
The Employer Handbook Blog


55,000 reasons to allow your pregnant employees to be exposed to toxic chemicals at work

Wait. That came out wrong. What I meant to say was… The Pregnancy Discrimination Act forbids employers from requiring that pregnant employees leave work. Even if it’s because the employer honestly believes that workplace conditions could place the health of mom or fetus at risk. Yes, really. Indeed, the U.S. Equal…


Social media adds to January 2017’s unemployment numbers

I feel like, last week, I was a little harsh on ADA plaintiffs. So, today, to show mercy that I’m an equal-opportunity jerk, I’ll focus on people who either lost their jobs or stand on pretty precarious footing because of social media. A Secret Service agent for President Trump posted…


Appellate court to ADA plaintiff: “A blind person cannot be an airline pilot…”

Continuing with yesterday’s theme of appellate courts peeing on the Cheerios of plaintiffs in failure-to-accommodate cases… Wait, can I say that? ***Checks blogging scriptures*** ***burps*** Yep. Dealing with employees who stress out about work. Yesterday, I blogged here about how President Trump’s U.S. Supreme Court nominee has zero damns to give…


White House will uphold Obama Executive Order protecting LGBT employees of federal contractors

Yep. From Jeremy Peters at The New York Times (here): The White House said on Monday that President Trump would leave in place a 2014 Obama administration order that created new workplace protections for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people. … The decision to keep the order, the statement added,…


Go ahead and bookmark this post for top FMLA cases of 2017

The Third Circuit Court of Appeals has issued its first precedential decision confirming that the honest-belief doctrine defeats a retaliation claim under the Family and Medical Leave Act. In plain English, the court in Capps v. Mondelez Global, LLC concluded that an employer can fire an employee whom it truly believes…


Has the EEOC found religion on LGBT workplace discrimination?

In a transgender-bias case with an employer-defendant concerned about having to violate its sincerely-held religious beliefs, the employee informed a federal appellate court last week that she is “reasonably concerned that the EEOC may no longer adequately represent her interests going forward.” Wow! Wow! WOW!!! “EEOC Sues Detroit Funeral Home Chain for…


The Employer Handbook readers have some crazy job-interview stories. Crazazy!

On Wednesday, I blogged here about CareerBuilder’s list of the most unusual things job candidates have done during the interview process. And, yeah, the stuff they listed was pretty unusual. I guess. But, then I thought, “Eric, your readers must have some scary-ass deposition transcripts great stories that would put CareerBuilder’s list to…


The EEOC has a new Acting Chair. And employers should be doing a happy dance.

It’s Victoria Lipnic, who was originally nominated by President Barack Obama to serve as an  EEOC Commissioner back in 2010. Now, President Trump has named Ms. Lipnic the Acting Chair. According to this EEOC press release, Acting Chair Lipnic’s prior experience includes service as Assistant Secretary of Labor for Employment Standards,…