
The Employer Handbook Blog


On John Cusack, Pink Floyd, Title IX, and medical residencies.

Serendipity may be one of the worst movies of all time. Of this, I am sure. Then again, I can’t stand John Cusack movies, especially that pretentious piece of one-know-what, High Fidelity. But, I’m not writing today to bash John Cusack. And, I’m not made of stone. Hot Tub Time Machine was…


The fat lady’s ready to break into song about the federal blacklisting rules

Stick a fork in ’em. Less than six months ago, federal contractors were clutching their pearls over the prospect of having to publicly disclose violations under 14 federal workplace laws, to be eligible for a government contract. The following month, in October 2016, a federal judge iced those “blacklisting rules” with a…


Supreme Court passes on transgender rights case…for now.

I received a bunch of reader emails yesterday with requests for future blog posts. One reader requested a follow-up to yesterday’s post about service animals and the ADA, asking that I address what happens when a service animal causes allergy issues for co-workers. Another reader sought input on heated political discussions…


Yo, dawg! EEOC sues employer over not letting trucker use his service animal for work

But, will the EEOC’s bark be louder than its bite? I’ll discuss service animals and Americans with Disabilities Act accommodations after the jump… Let’s cue up the music, while you read from the EEOC’s press release about this new Americans with Disabilities Act lawsuit: According to the EEOC’s lawsuit, Leon Laferriere applied for…


How about we connect at the SHRM Employment Law & Legislative Conference?

Are you headed to Washington, DC for SHRM’s 2017 Employment Law and Legislative Conference on March 13-15? I’d love to meet up with you. Well, unless you’re really creepy. Forget about trying to grab me after my ADA/FMLA session. You’ll be one of dozens of HR professionals sprinting to the front of…


A bipartisan — yes, bipartisan — Senate bill would make it easier for employees to prove age bias

Bipartisan, eh? (Sorry, it’s the first thing I thought of) Welcome back, Kotter Protecting Older Workers Against Discrimination Act Always a bridesmaid, but never a bride, the Protecting Older Workers Against Discrimination Act has been considered in both houses of Congress a few times, but never made its way all the way…

Posted in: Age

Amidst a recent deluge of bad sexual harassment news, Uber pulls out a shocking win

February was a bit of a crappy month for Uber. Well, aside of the millions of dollars I trust they made in fares. The month began with the vestiges of a January protest for taking fares at JFK airport, while taxis stood in solidarity with refugees. Then, there were allegations…


110,000 reasons to remember that the ADA’s duty to accommodate starts before saying, “You’re hired.”

Here’s a snippet from a recent EEOC press release: The [Americans with Disabilities Act] protects employees from discrimination based on their disabilities and requires employers to make reasonable accommodations to employees’ and applicants’ disabilities as long as it does not pose an undue hardship. That’s employees and applicants. And, that’s important.…