
The Employer Handbook Blog


Did Lyft violate Philly’s Ban the Box rules? And could this be the tip of the iceberg?

Rideshare service, Lyft, Inc., allegedly violated Philadelphia’s Fair Criminal Records Screening Standards Ordinance, also known as Ban the Box, according to this press release from the law firm Outten & Golden LLP. Here’s a snippet from the press release: What is “Ban the Box”? Philadelphia’s Ban the Box rule, about which…


Which of you hot shot lawyers wants to join an employment law panel with me?

You folks in HR don’t have to read any further. Go do yeoman’s work today by putting the “human” in human resources. Or whatever it is you do each day. But, the lawyers. Let’s see if I can thaw some of your icy hearts with an irresistible invitation and offer.…


Employer’s wage and hour defense foiled by a comma. Yep, a damn comma!

This is all a gigantic excuse to play Comma Karma Chameleon and Karma Police. Unless you operate a business in Maine, enjoy Culture Club, or just like Oxford comma jurisprudence, there’s really nothing to see here. Still, a special thank you to @IAmOxfordComma on Twitter, which reduced the First Circuit’s decision in O’Connor v.…


Doggone it! When an employee is allergic to a coworker’s service animal.

Who knew? I received a lot of feedback on last week’s post. That was the one about an EEOC lawsuit alleging that a company violated the Americans with Disabilities Act when it allegedly failed to accommodate a disabled employee’s request to use a service dog. Among the reader feedback was a question about…


11th Circuit: It’s perfectly legal to discriminate against someone because she is gay

On Friday, the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals, generally considered one of the more conservative appellate courts, issued a mixed-bag ruling in a high-profile LGBT-rights case. Sex stereotyping is unlawful; Title VII covers gender-nonconformity claims. In Evans v. Georgia Regional Hospital (opinion here), the Eleventh Circuit reaffirmed that  Title VII of the Civil…


SHRM Study shows that we are inching towards a better work-life balance.

So, I’m diligently preparing and honing my delivery ***fart*** for my FMLA/ADA presentation this Tuesday at SHRM’s 2017 Employment Law and Legislative Conference in Washington, DC, when, what do I see? It’s a new SHRM study on “employer practices, policies, programs and benefits that address personal and family needs of employees.” Seems topical…


On John Cusack, Pink Floyd, Title IX, and medical residencies.

Serendipity may be one of the worst movies of all time. Of this, I am sure. Then again, I can’t stand John Cusack movies, especially that pretentious piece of one-know-what, High Fidelity. But, I’m not writing today to bash John Cusack. And, I’m not made of stone. Hot Tub Time Machine was…