
The Employer Handbook Blog


HELP WANTED: CEO, especially one who isn’t a damn knuckledragger!

In February, a female Uber employee blogging under the pseudonym Amy Vertino blew the lid off of what she alleged to be a corporate culture of misogyny and other rampant discrimination. Recently, there have been several additional high-profile stories of alleged sex discrimination and harassment at the very top of the ladder.…


That moment HR discovers its $2,666,594.03 typo in a fully-signed severance agreement

Back in the day, landing on “Community Chest” in Monopoly was second only to building hotels on Boardwalk. But, even with inflation, neither approaches the feeling of discovering that your employer goofed by agreeing to provide you with $2,747,400 in severance pay, rather than the previously agreed-upon $80,805.97. Yep, that happened.…


The public gets to beat the dead horse of the DOL overtime rules together, and other wage and hour news

Want to weigh in on the U.S. Department of Labor‘s proposed overtime rules? Well, now you’ll get that chance. Again. If this sounds familiar, it should. The DOL would love to hear from you (again) about those overtime rules. Yep, we’re talking about the same overtime rules that would have…


Yes, litigators must come to the office and go to court, says federal appellate court

Bad news for all you coffee-shop lawyers out there. ***ducks lightning bolt*** About a year ago, I blogged here about a litigation attorney with the State of Louisiana. She has a “disability” under the Americans with Disabilities Act. On account of her illness, the U.S. Department of Justice accommodated the litigator by allowing…


A worker can sue his employer and the company’s lawyer for FLSA retaliation, says Ninth Circuit

Let’s go live to California for an immediate reaction from the defense bar… I’d like to start by apologizing to the State of New Jersey. You’ve got a long way to go and, hopefully, you never get there. Now, let’s check out the Ninth Circuit’s opinion — actually, it’s here — in…


He was fired for a Facebook post, but can he still collect unemployment benefits?

An employee who lost his job for badmouthing his boss on Facebook should still collect unemployment benefits, according to the Rhode Island Supreme Court. Ain’t that a wicked pissah. It’s further proof that employees can get away with doing a lot of bad stuff on social media. For example, do…


While unfair stereotypes continue to fuel age bias in the U.S., here are ten ways to avoid them.

It was right at the moment that I thought that I’d recovered from Saturday night’s disco inferno and baseball extravaganza, when I realized, yesterday, that I’d paired DC Comics with Marvel by coming to work in Batman socks and Guardians of the Galaxy II boxer shorts. Hopefully, my reader won’t…

Posted in: Age

Bah Gawd! DOJ turns face and will support class-action waivers in Supreme Court battle

  Consider this my attempt at “Serenity now” after chaperoning eight kids eight and younger at a Philadelphia Phillies game on Saturday. With a rain delay. And the tiny dancer featured above. Fortunately, we left the ballpark with all of the kids. I think. Hopefully, my oldest son, Brooks, enjoyed his birthday.…