
The Employer Handbook Blog


Local union throws flag on Dallas Cowboys’ owner’s threat to bench players who disrespect the U.S. flag

Humility is not my middle name. Actually, it’s “Hercules.” (It’s not Hercules). But, it’s not “Humility” either and I rarely turn down the opportunity to say, “I told you so.” So, remember when I told you a few weeks ago how NFL owners would have a tough time legally firing…


Jemele Hill suspended for violating social media rules. No, not even ESPN Talent has free speech rights.

ESPN pays the National Football League nearly $2 billion annual for digital rights. Two billion dollars! With so much at stake, that’s an investment worth protecting. A few years ago, former ESPN personality Bill Simmons found that out the hard way. He was suspended by the network for his incendiary…


I’m telling you. Bad things happen when the Board Chair plays matchmaker for her son, the CEO.

Over the weekend, I was reading this recent opinion from a federal judge in Maryland and, with a big smile on my face, I started polishing up my blogging crown and scepter. Allen v. TV One, LLC is a case about a woman who alleges that she was constantly pestered by the Board…


Jeff Sessions and the DOJ pull the rug out from under transgender workers.

Back in July of this year, the U.S. Department of Justice officially revealed its position that nothing would prevent an employer from discriminating against a gay worker before of his sexual orientation. On that very same day, President Donald Trump tweeted that the military should ban transgender people from serving. Fast…


Watching porn at work doesn’t necessarily create a hostile work environment for others.

Is this prurient blog title a convenient excuse to play a J. Geils Band tune on the blog? Maybe. But, still I’ll toss in a side of HR-compliance. Let’s take a trip to our nation’s capital, Washington, DC. Sharon Stewart works for the Federal Communications Commission. She sued the FCC…


Does the ADA protect an individual who uses prescription drugs to battle addiction to illegal drugs?

  As the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s fiscal year comes to a close, the agency has filed a slew of discrimination lawsuits. One that caught my eye involves an employer that allegedly rescinded an offer of employment once it found out that the individual was using prescription drugs to treat…


The power of diversity, dignity, and respect over discrimination #MondayMotivation

Oh, do I have some Monday Motivation for you! Last Friday, I spoke at an HR conference about the EEOC’s latest enforcement trends. Part of the discussion addressed stereotyping. That’s because the 2017-2021 Strategic Enforcement Plan for the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission focused on addressing discrimination based on employees’ perceptions of others.…


NFL players take a knee and it seems like the only ones getting fired are firefighters.

I’m not writing today top rehash #TakeTheKnee. Been there, done that. Rather, today’s post is a friendly reminder to all employees out there who want to express their opinion online about this week’s NFL protests. Remember last week, that firefighter who was suspended for his Facebook post about how that he’d…


Company’s You Show, You Go Policy violates pregnancy discrimination law, says EEOC

If what the EEOC alleges in this lawsuit is true, then this employer is stupider than stupid-stupid. From the EEOC’s press release: Really?!! An actual policy which requires an employee to voluntarily resign or be discharged once she is six months pregnant. More from the EEOC press release: “Federal law…