
The Employer Handbook Blog


LGBT bias costs one employer the maximum amount allowed by law

Hi there. Did you have a nice Thanksgiving? Notwithstanding Thursday’s feast, I rallied hard over the weekend. Indeed, I needed my energy up to check some boxes on my older daughter’s Christmas list. (She claims that number one is commonplace in Canada. I’m not so sure). But, I’m taking a break…


Ranking the Thanksgiving turkey(s) and sides: The Employer Handbook Top 20

This is not up for debate. Sweet potato casserole with marshmallows **kisses fingers** Macaroni and cheese Stuffing Homemade mashed potatoes Cornbread Gravy (bonus points for sausage) Turkey Canned cranberry sauce Corn Roasted vegetables Homemade cranberry sauce Brussel sprouts Green bean casserole Turducken Instant mashed potatoes or any other wannabe mashed…


Want to keep settled sexual harassment claims confidential? It may cost you tax dollars.

Last week, I wrote here about proposed legislation in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania that would outlaw confidential settlements of sexual harassment claims. Now, the feds are getting into the act. The topic of sexual harassment has been front and center on Capitol Hill. Earlier this month, the Senate voted to require…


New bill would ban confidential settlements of sexual harassment claims in Pennsylvania

One of your supervisors has just been accused of sexual harassment. Rather than spend the money to litigate the case, your company decides to settle. Let’s go through the standard provisions: Settlement payment General release Non-admission Mutual non-disparagement Mutual confidentiality Ah, not so fast on that last one if your business is…


VP of HR fired for a Trump tweet still manages to collect unemployment benefits

Back in 2016, Kathleen M. Jungclaus was the full-time Vice President of Human Resources for a Pennsylvania continuing care retirement community. She had worked for the company since 2007. On July 24, 2016, Ms. Junclaus went on her personal Twitter page and tweeted: “@realDonaldTrump I am the VP of HR in a comp…


JOIN US: “The Employment Law Year in Review,” a free webinar on Thu, Dec 7, 2017 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM EST

I had one date circled — one date between now and the end of the year. Later this week, on November 17, Netflix releases Marvel’s The Punisher. If you’ve dorked out gotten culture with any of The Defenders series, then, like me, you’ve been chomping at the bit for this release.…


And in other sexual harassment news….EVERYTHING!!!

And here I thought we’d be able to make it to the weekend without another above-the-fold allegation of sexual harassment. Fortunately, I have some other helpful, related items… New sexual-harassment guidance from the EEOC coming soon. Jacquie Lee reporting for Bloomberg Law’s Daily Labor Report (here) writes that the U.S. Equal…


Would you require a new C-Suite hire to affirm no history of discrimination at work?

We’re still got about a month and a half to go, and the list of notable sexual harassers (allegedly) is growing faster than my youngest can eat her peas. Often, when we hire high-level executives, we resort to employment agreements. And in those employment agreements, we include provisions requiring the…