
The Employer Handbook Blog


Surprise! Your company could be liable under Title VII as a joint employer.

It’s late Sunday night. I just finished the Walking Dead mid-season finale (no spoilers) and I’m catching up on the latest news about Carson Wentz’s knee. And somehow I managed to pull myself out of the fetal position to type this post. I’m trying to remember the last time that…


Hear ye! Hear ye! 45,000 reasons not to publicize details of an employee’s EEOC charge of discrimination

For those of you who work in HR, what do you do when you learn that an employee has filed a charge of discrimination with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission alleging a violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act? Raise your hand if the answer is not publicizing details of…


But, Eric, shouldn’t we update our anti-harassment policies in 2018 also?

Yes and, after yesterday, this deserves its own post. Where should I begin? How about with the great Jonathan Segal who saves me a lot of work with his post for the SHRM Blog entitled “5 Effective Ways to Upgrade Your Anti-Harassment Policy.” Let’s see if I can summarize my buddy’s…


Three key areas that could make 2018 the year of the employee handbook overhaul

Read on, HR enthusiasts. 1. Paid Family and Medical Leave. A few weeks ago, I wrote here about a SHRM-endorsed paid-employee-leave bill that was introduced in House. Yesterday, over at Bloomberg Law, Tyrone Richardson reported here that as the House and Senate work on finalizing a tax bill, another paid leave option…


Grab your company’s job applications and ADA pearls. Now, click this post and clutch tightly.

A few years ago, one of my colleagues emailed me and asked if I would review a particular question on a client’s job application. Specifically, the client wanted to know whether a certain health-related inquiry was something the client could do before extending a conditional offer of employment. Well, not…


Court stymies employer’s try for plaintiff’s social media passwords in sexual harassment case. But, it did get…

I imagine that, among the reasons that victims fear complaining about sexual harassment, is that spotlight may shine a little too brightly on them. For example, when a plaintiff in a Title VII case claims emotional distress from sexual harassment, the source(s) of that pain will be under the microscope.…


Matt Lauer Matt Lauer Matt Lauer Matt Lauer Matt Lauer Matt Lauer

You were expecting, maybe, an FMLA post today? Another one bites the dust. [cue music] Just minutes before the Today Show went live yesterday on NBC, network chairman Andy Lack released a statement saying that a colleague had come forward reporting “inappropriate sexual behavior” from host Matt Lauer. Many news…


On this Belated #GivingTuesday (a/k/a Wednesday), please consider supporting the Homeless Advocacy Project

Yesterday was Giving Tuesday. According to Wikipedia, Giving Tuesday is a movement to create an international day of giving at the beginning of the Christmas and holiday season. Well, since I’m a self-promoting, selfish you-know-what, I missed it. Feeling bad, and hoping to corner the “Belated Giving Tuesday” (a/k/a Wednesday) market, I’m…