
The Employer Handbook Blog


Flooded with sexual-harassment complaints, VICE publicly apologizes for its “detrimental ‘boy’s club’ culture”

Remember that time when one your high-level managers walked into Human Resources. And that remorseful high-level manager voluntarily confessed to sexually harassing a subordinate — before the subordinate had even registered a complaint — with an apology so genuine and sincere that you got a little choked up. Yeah, me…


Older workers need not apply. Heck, they’re not even seeing many job ads on Facebook, lawsuit alleges.

Hundreds of large employers, including Amazon, T-Mobile US, and Cox Communications allegedly engaged in the unlawful practice of excluding older workers from receiving job ads on Facebook for open positions at their companies, claim the Communications Workers of America (CWA) and three workers. Together with powerhouse law firm Outten & Golden,…

Posted in: Age

Thinking of giving an accused sexual harasser a second chance? Here’s why you may want to reconsider…

In November, The New York Times suspended reporter Glenn Thrush pending its investigation of inappropriate sexual behavior. Yesterday, the paper announced that Mr. Thrush’s suspension would continue into 2018. But, after that, he would remain with the paper. Here is the statement from the New York Times. Now, in the…


Have you ever seen the former NLRB Chair and Stone Cold Steve Austin in the same room?

How else can you explain what happened last week at the National Labor Relations Board? According to the website, the Board is “an independent federal agency vested with the power to safeguard employees’ rights to organize and to determine whether to have unions as their bargaining representative. The agency also acts…


PODCAST: “Losing My Religion: Title VII and flu shot accommodations” (ft. Brooks and Ivy Meyer)

Last Thursday, the Third Circuit of Appeals issued this opinion in Fallon v. Mercy Catholic Medical Center of Southeastern Pennsylvania, in which the court addressed religious accommodation and flu shots. Specifically, the court focused on what constitutes “religion” under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. So, rather than write…


Go ahead and pull those old employee handbooks out of the trash!

Just be sure to wipe off the coffee grounds. And cross out all of those outdated references to MySpace and Friendster in the social media policy. What gives, Eric? Well, yesterday, the National Labor Relations Board continued its mad dash to erase all of the last several years of questionable…


Looking to update your policy on sexual harassment? Maybe you’d like to see Facebook’s…

I’m used to it by now. Maybe it’s a conversation at a networking event or a question from the audience at an HR session. You know what I’m talking about. That hypothetical legal question (with three follows ups) that someone asks for a friend (while everyone else rolls their eyes). Look.…


The NLRB wants your input on quickie union elections. [Translation: bye bye quickie union elections]

I got a little early holiday present yesterday, one that I’d like to share with each of you. And, of all places, it was from the National Labor Relations Board. [Cue music // Spotify | YouTube] Yesterday, at 9:01 am EST, I received an email from the Board. In that email, the Board…


The Supreme Court passes on ruling on LGBT workplace rights … for now

Ironically, it happened on the same day that President Trump nominated U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Commissioner Chai Feldblum, a true champion of LGBT workplace rights, to serve a third term at the EEOC. Yesterday, the U.S. Supreme Court declined to grant certiorari in Evans v. Georgia Regional Hospital. In plain English,…