
The Employer Handbook Blog


When can you stop allowing extensions of leave under the ADA?

Image Credit: ( Last September, the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that a multi-month leave of absence is never a reasonable accommodation under the Americans With Disabilities Act. That’s all well and good for employers in Illinois, Wisconsin, and Indiana. But, what about the rest of us? For…


Common sense prevails in a big legal victory for gay rights in the workplace

Image Credit: ( It took the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission about 50 years to recognize that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protected employees from discrimination based on their sexual orientation. Now, in less than three years since the agency’s groundbreaking decision in 2015, two federal appellate courts have joined…


Avoid Mark Cuban’s mistake when dealing with sexual harassment at work

Image Credit: By Keith Allison from Baltimore, USA (00033816) [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia CommonsOver the weekend, I read Jon Wertheim and Jessica Luther’s article at (NSFW – language), which describes a workplace that for many women was flat out scary AF. A “locker room culture.” I’m not talking about…


Ex-Google employee who criticized the Damore memo sues Google after getting fired

Photo by PhotoMIX Ltd. from Pexels Hold up a sec. I’m dizzy. A win for Google. Earlier this week, Team Cool a/k/a the employment-law blogger community, began to report that the National Labor Relations Board had dismissed unfair labor practice charges against Google. And not just any old charges. No,…


Calling someone “racist” for posting “All Lives Matter” on Facebook isn’t race discrimination.

Finger Indicate Poking Designate To Point Show (Image Credit: This post doesn’t deliver as much earth-shattering HR compliance as it does clickbait. But, since you’re here, hang out for a bit why don’t you? (Ok, I’ve got a few tips for you at the end.) The plaintiff in Squitieri…


Lawsuit: No, it’s not okay to access a vacationing co-worker’s social media at the office

Facebook Mobile Texting Smartphone Facebook Lite (Image Credit: During a week-long vacation from work, a Pennsylvania woman claims that some colleagues logged into her Facebook account from work and reviewed her Facebook Messenger messages, among other things. The woman further claims that when she returned to work from vacation, her…


An employee’s bad tweets lead New York Times to fire her on the same day it announced her hiring.

By No machine-readable author provided. Moberg assumed (based on copyright claims). [Public domain], via Wikimedia CommonsAt least she didn’t have too many personal belongings to pack up. (Too soon?) has all the details (here): The New York Times fired a writer just hours after they had hired her after they learned…


The first cannabis stores in PA are opening. It’s time to re-educate employers on what that means.

Image Credit: It’s been a while since we addressed the legalization of medical marijuana in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and what that means for employers. It was about two years ago to be precise. Last October, I presented on this topic at the SHRM Lehigh Valley “annual” October Conference. …