
The Employer Handbook Blog


Here’s a nice recap of my #SHRMleg “Becoming an ADA Expert” session

By rp72 (Opening o2 Arena London Bon Jovi) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons“In a packed room at the 2018 SHRM Employment Law and Legislative Conference in Washington D.C., Eric Meyer of FisherBroyles, LLP provided practical guidance for HR Professionals so that they can handle an ADA accommodation situation at…


NJ advances bill that would ban confidentiality provisions in any settled discrimination claim

Photo by Kristina Flour on Unsplash Some states, like the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for example, have responded to the #MeToo movement by drafting legislation that would ban confidentiality provisions in private sexual harassment settlements. The State of New Jersey has taken it one step further. Before I get to that,…


Indeed, there are 50,000 reasons to avoid “age will matter” in an applicant’s rejection email.

Photo by on Unsplash Remember that blog post I had last Spring. I’m talking about the one about an employment agency that allegedly emailed a job applicant the following cringe-worthy, what we’re really saying here is “sue me” rejection email: “Thanks for your reply. I check the details of [sic] you. And…

Posted in: Age

Philadelphia moves one step closer to requiring sexual-harassment training for all City employees

Now, it’s up to the voters. Yesterday, on International Women’s Day, Philadelphia City Council passed a bill that will require the City to provide sexual-harassment training to all of its employees and officers. In May, when City residents go to the polls, they will decide whether to amend the Home…


Court: Firing an employee because she is transgender has to be sex bias under Title VII

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash What a long, strange trip it’s been for one particular transgender-discrimination lawsuit. Back in 2014, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission used a Michigan funeral home and alleged it violated Title VII by firing an employee because of her transgender or transitioning status and her…

Posted in: Sex

Why conducting a wage and hour audit now could save you lots of money with the government.

By Ed Brown (Ed Brown) [Public domain], via Wikimedia CommonsWhat if I told you that conducting a wage-and-hour audit and discovering a Fair Labor Standards Act violation could save you money? “Uh, Eric. Is the air up there in the cloud getting thin?” Hear me out. The PAID program. Yesterday,…


Thank you (Part III)

Image Credit: ( After all that’s happened in my professional career over the past several days — you can catch up here and here —  I’d be remiss if I didn’t thank you, the readers. You have uplifted me with your positivity and support. I deeply appreciate every, single…


Thank You (Part II)

Today is my first day at FisherBroyles, LLP. [If you missed “Thank You (Part I),” Friday’s tribute to my former colleagues at Dilworth Paxson, you check it out here.] I have so much to tell you about this exciting opportunity with FisherBroyles, and my reasons for joining this cutting-edge law…


Thank you (Part I)

Photo by Jasmine Wallace from Pexels Today is my last day at Dilworth Paxson LLP. For just over 12 years, Dilworth Paxson has been my home. (It’s ok Millenials. Just breathe.) I gave notice to the firm a few weeks ago that I’d be resigning. During that meeting with our…


Gender Pay Gap Meets Grand Theft Auto

Image Credit: Pixabay ( Hey, I can’t make this stuff up. Claire Warner at reports here that game designer Jane Friedhoff released a video game last week that, well,  here’s the description from the game designer: Two mall shop-girls find out they’ve been stiffed wages that the men in their department…