
The Employer Handbook Blog


NJ is about to pass a HUUUUUUUUUUUGE gender pay equity bill. Are you ready for it?

I, Ruhrfisch [GFDL, CC-BY-SA-3.0, CC BY-SA 2.5 or Public domain], via Wikimedia CommonsVery soon, a New Jersey employer will have to pay men and women the same pay and benefits for performing substantially similar work. The only exceptions are if the employer can demonstrate a pay differential based on “a seniority…


A New Orleans Saints Cheerleader claims players get better treatment and that’s discrimination

By robbiesaurus (Flickr: Saint’s Cheerleaders with Saint Bernard) [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia CommonsBut, is it really discrimination if football players get preferential treatment over cheerleaders? “Antiquated” and “blatantly discriminatory”? On Sunday, Ken Belson at the New York Times reported here that a female cheerleader with the New Orleans Saints had filed a…


Do your employees understand the limits of their freedom of speech? If not, educate them.

Image Credit: and Do your employees appreciate that what they do on social media on their own time can cost them their job? Do your employees think that “freedom of speech” can save them from getting fired? “F*** Sister Jean -everyone.” Last week, a radio talk-show host in…


This is probably not even legal in Mexico

Pattie on Flickr (“In an antique shop window” Even if you operate an antique shop, this sign is not a good look for your business. So, as you can imagine, the State of Illinois wasn’t too cool with one of its local employment agencies taking out an advertisement in…


From the archives: “How do you handle FMLA and FLSA for a snow day office closure?”

Yes, those are two of my children. (Not pictured: “Dad of the Year” Trophy) A little over two years ago, I blogged here about how the Fair Labor Standards Act and Family and Medical Leave Act may impact your business if it closes for a day due to inclement weather. Now…


When is working overtime an essential job function? (Psst. I’ll tell you.)

Image Credit: “Whisper” by Jamin Gray on Flickr ( // Today, I’m going to revisit a topic that I’ve previously discussed a few times on the blog (here and here); namely, when is working overtime an essential job function under the Americans with Disabilities Act? The quick answer is: the employer…


No one ever said that this FMLA stuff would be easy.

Image Credit: ( Under the Family and Medical Leave Act, an eligible employee is entitled to take up to 12 weeks of job-protected leave in a 12-month period. So, what happens if an employee exhausts 12 weeks of leave and doesn’t return to work on the next working day?…


HELP! DocketBird, PacerPRO, or Bloomberg Law? What’s the best for docket tracking and searches?

Image Credit: Tim Green on Flickr ( Attorneys, I could use your help. I’d like to invest in a product that can track federal dockets (so that I can be first to alert clients and prospects about new litigation) and also have access to federal pleadings in real time (to…


BOOKMARK THIS: A blueprint to providing an employee with a religious accommodation

Image Credit: ( I started the week presenting to HR audiences in DC and NJ about accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act. Today, I want to pivot into religious accommodations by highlighting a recent federal court decision, which can teach employers a thing or two about how to engage…