
The Employer Handbook Blog


Happy (?) Belated Equal Pay Day

Image Credit: ( I’ll be honest. Not only am I late by a day in recognizing Equal Pay Day, but I don’t know the etiquette. Is it “happy”? I can’t imagine why anyone would be happy about it. Heck, I just Googled and was immediately shown “11 Gender Wage…


Remember the woman fired for flipping off the Trump motorcade? Now, she’s suing.

Image Credit: Remember that time one of your employees: rode her bike, passed the President’s motorcade, was photographed giving him the middle finger, and became a national celebrity/spectacle (depending on your point of view)? For an employee of a Virginia GOVERNMENT CONTRACTOR (oops!), it resulted in her termination of…


It’s been a month, Eric. How’s life at FisherBroyles, LLP, the largest cloud-based law firm in the world?

Hey, thanks for asking! In a word: Hella-good. Unless that’s two words, in which case, I’ll go with awesome!!! My partners are more amazing than I could have imagined! Last month, in this post, I detailed four of the reasons that I joined FisherBroyles, LLP, one of which was that…


Should it be unlawful to make employees check work email after hours? Some in NYC Council think so.

Image Credit: “cell phone zombies-1215” by jseliger2 on Flickr ( Woo boy! I’m sure that none of you have any strong opinions about this one. None whatsoever. 😁 A few weeks ago, New York City Council Members Rafael L. Espinal, Jr. and Alicka Ampry-Samuel co-sponsored a bill that would make it unlawful for private…


Two more learn the hard way that off-the-clock social media use can be a job killer

By Dennis Hill from The OC, So. Cal. – misc 24, CC BY 2.0, Link When will people learn? (Although, if they do, I’ll have less about which to blog.) Hosting a White Supremacist Internet Show Is a Bad Look For a Middle School Teacher It’s a bad look for…


Yesterday’s Supreme Court wage-and-hour decision in Haiku. Great Haiku!

Image Credit: ( Service Advisors at an auto dealership don’t get overtime They are salespeople, primarily engaged in servicing autos. A dictionary textual analysis It is all you need It’s wrong to construe FLSA exemptions narrowly. Really. That premise is flawed. The Ninth Circuit can pound sand, says the…


Stereotype or not, firing a French waiter for acting rude probably doesn’t violate the law.

Image Credit: ( A couple of readers suggested that I blog today about a waiter in Canada fired for “combative and aggressive” behavior, err, behaviour towards other staff. The waiter has a simple defense, one that he has raised in a civil rights complaint. He’s French. ***cracks knuckles*** Does the…


These crazazy interview gaffes have nothing to do with pending NJ employment bills

Image Credit: ( Ok, enough with New Jersey for this week. Today, I blog on a lighter note. It’s Career Builder’s list of “The Most Unusual Things People Have Done in Job Interviews.” When you’re interviewing a job candidate, how long does it take you to figure out whether…


Mandatory paid sick leave could be coming to New Jersey too.

By No machine-readable author provided. ChrisRuvolo assumed (based on copyright claims). [Public domain], via Wikimedia CommonsNew Jersey ain’t done yet, dudes! Yesterday, I blogged here about the big, err, HUUUUUUUUUUUGE gender pay equity bill that’s gonna become law in New Jersey very soon. Today, I bring you news of a paid-sick-leave…