
The Employer Handbook Blog


Does “I hope this email finds you well” get on anyone else’s nerves? Or is it just me?

Hey, I was going to have a big recap of yesterday’s public hearing on harassment and sexual misconduct in the workplace at which I testified before the Pennsylvania House Labor and Industry Committee. There’s a lot to discuss, maybe too much for a blog post. So, I plan to write a longer article…


Want to see me testify today on harassment and sexual misconduct in the workplace? Here’s how…

Ad Meskens [Attribution, CC BY-SA 3.0 or GFDL], from Wikimedia CommonsI’ll be testifying today before the Pennsylvania House Labor and Industry Committee at a public hearing on harassment and sexual misconduct in the workplace. I should be up at about 10:50 AM, when I will testify for five minutes on: the…


Must you produce the workplace investigation report prepared to defend a sexual harassment lawsuit?

Image Credit: ( A female employee has just complained to HR that the CEO harassed her. This complaint is the third one against the same alleged harasser. So, you hire an outside attorney to conduct a full investigation anticipating that there might be subsequent litigation. The attorney investigates and furnishes…


“I had morning sickness,” said the man. Crazazy excuses for being late to work!

chris 論 [GFDL or CC BY-SA 3.0], from Wikimedia CommonsI can always count on CareerBuilder to help lighten the mood around here with some good fodder for a Friday post. Last month, CareerBuilder released the survey results from “This Year’s Most Bizarre Excuses for Being Late to Work.” Before I…


Starbucks details how, in one afternoon, it will train about 175K employees on racial bias

Screenshot taken from In a video posted on the company’s website, Starbucks CEO Kevin Johnson followed up his initial apology for last week’s incident in Philadelphia with additional details on how the company would try to avoid a similar event in the future. Here’s more from the Starbucks press release: Starbucks…


Now THIS right here is some hecka-cold retaliation (allegedly)

Image credit: (   It’s one thing to terminate an employee for complaining that she is being sexually harassed at work. But, when you (allegedly) fire her son and fiancé too without justification, that’s stone cold! Not that Stone Cold. But, according to the EEOC, it’s pretty darn bad.…


Bookmark This: Starbucks and a lesson on leadership and accountability

Screenshot taken from Starbucks was riding a pretty good HR streak in 2018. Among other things, the coffee giant had attained 100% gender and racial equality and announced investments in paid leave. Yep, things were lookin’ really good for Starbucks. Then, last week, things got really bad. An arrest…


Dear Handbook: Does the FLSA require that non-exempt employees get paid for 16-minutes of intermittent FMLA leave?

Image Credit: ( We’re gonna try a new feature here at The Employer Handbook. It’s where I take a new U.S. Department of Labor Opinion Letter and tweak it as if someone is asking me for my opinion on the precise legal issue on which the DOL is being…


Can you legally fire an employee who butt-dials you while talking smack about the company…to a co-worker?

Image Credit: YouTube Screenshot I have trained you well. We’re gonna cut the ropes to let you fight Tong Po. (Maybe, going with a random Kickboxer reference wasn’t the best metaphor for this audience.) Ok, let’s start over. Yesterday, I had this post about a guy who allegedly lost his job over…


Can you legally fire an employee who butt-dials you while talking smack about the company?

Taken with a selfie stick and way too much effort. Easy there, folks. My servers can only handle so much traffic on a Thursday. Legally Weird, indeed. It’s not often that I get my scoop from an online publication called Legally Weird. Then again, touché. No one is mistaking me…