
The Employer Handbook Blog


NLRB to Dem Senators: We’re no longer “considering” joint-employer rule-making. We are rule-making!

By Chris Favero ( [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons“I am the law!” The title of this blog post made me think of Judge Dredd. And if you don’t know or appreciate Judge Dredd, shame on you, Millennial. Shame. For the rest of you more cultured Renaissance human resource professionals,…


SCOTUS sides with baker that refused to bake a cake to celebrate gay marriage. But, it’s not what you think.

By Jeffrey Beall – Own work, CC BY 4.0, Link Most of you have probably heard of the case that went to the Supreme Court involving a Colorado baker who would customize a wedding cake for a same-sex couple because he believed that doing so would violate his religious beliefs.…


Meanwhile, a former company executive was apparently fired because of his wife’s tweets

Image Credit: ( In case you missed it, last Friday I slipped into the vortex to detail the amazing story of the 76ers’ president of basketball operations and general manager, Bryan Colangelo, and five Twitter burner accounts with which he may be associated. Several of these accounts were used to talk…


Grab your popcorn. We need to talk about this Bryan Colangelo Twitter burner-account bombshell.

By Bgnewf [Public domain], from Wikimedia CommonsStick with me here, folks. What I’m about to describe below is one heckuva bizarre social media spectacle. Eric, remind me again, who is Bryan Colangelo? Bryan Colangelo is currently the president of basketball operations and general manager of the Philadelphia 76ers of the National Basketball Association (NBA). “Currently,” as…


Have you advertised for a candidate with a maximum amount of experience? Could be age discrimination.

Image Credit: ( Law firms, among other businesses, are notorious for seeking non-partner candidates with experience within a range of years. “1-4 years,” “5-8 years,” “with about 10 years of experience.” Could placing a cap on the number of years of experience be part of a code for “we…

Posted in: Age

HR lessons from Roseanne Barr’s racist tweet and ABC’s immediate cancellation of her show

Image Credit: ( On the same day that Starbucks closed more than 8,000 stores to train its employees on implicit bias (full curriculum here), an outspoken Hollywood celebrity stole the headlines with an explicitly-racist tweet. One tweet, no more show. Yesterday, Roseanne Barr wrote on Twitter if the “muslim brotherhood &…


SURVEY: If I custom-designed a one-hour HR-compliance session for you, what topic would you select?

By AlphaZeta – Own work, CC0, Link Can you help me out? It’ll only take a sec. I’ve created a one question survey. Here it is: If I custom-designed a one-hour HR-compliance session for you, what topic would you select? You can vote here. Thank you and I’ll post the results tomorrow!


If you use a third-party to drug test job applicants, then stop what you’re doing and read this post!

Image Credit: ( On a clickbait scale of 1-10, maybe a 9. First, I must apologize for something other than the clickbait; specifically, yesterday’s cop-out. I had 800 words typed on a recent case in which a federal court denied a defendants’ motion to compel arbitration. It was a great juxtaposition **…