
The Employer Handbook Blog


Fact or Fiction: The ADA requires accommodating an employee to care for a relative with a disability?

Image Credit: ( That’s right folks. It’s time for another edition of “Fact or Fiction” a/k/a “Quick Answers to Quick Questions” a/k/a QATQQ f/k/a “I don’t feel like writing a long blog post.” Here’s the fact pattern with which we will work today. You hire someone new for a…


Uncertainty in a major transgender-bias SCOTUS case, and an EEOC Commissioner speaks her mind on LGBT rights and religious liberty.

Image Credit: ( Usually, after my kids go to bed is when I write my blog posts for the following day. Last night that didn’t happen. Instead, while putting my two boys to bed, I fell asleep on the spare bed in their room. #Parenting So, I apologize for…


Racist road rage ends badly for road-rager who claims that he’s not a racist.

Image Credit: ( We’ve all been there. You’re driving, someone cuts you off, and you give ’em a piece of your mind. Maybe even a four-letter word. But, that’s where your bout of road rage ends. Except, that’s not where it ended for a driver in Ohio. And he’s…


2.5 million reasons not to refer to black employees as ‘slaves’ or fire them after they complain to HR

Image Credit: ( In terms of workplace issues, #MeToo and sexual harassment have dominated the headlines in 2018. Most recently, John Oliver covered these subjects on his show and Jon Hyman has a robust discussion going on right now on LinkedIn in which I encourage you to weigh in.…


A Native American claimed that Washington Redskins chatter at work was racist. But, can she win her lawsuit?

By Keith Allison [CC BY-SA 2.0 ], via Wikimedia CommonsThe Washington Redskins are a bad National Football League franchise. I’m not talking about the name of the team yet. We’ll get to that. I’m mean last year’s 7-9 Washington Redskins. Like fans of the Dallas Cowboys, the tell-tale sign of Redskins…


Well, you can’t plan for everything. Like naked workouts, for example.💪💪💪

By 0x0077BE – Own work, CC0, Link How many of you, like me, work out at Planet Fitness? I like PF because it’s relatively close to the Bloggerdome and it’s $10/month. Now, if only they’d implement my many suggestion box notes to add a set of 100-pound dumbbells for bicep curls. Sun’s…


That SHRM-endorsed House bill promoting paid employee leave across the country takes center stage

Image Credit: Back in November, U.S. Rep. Mimi Walters (R-Calif.) along with co-sponsors U.S. Reps. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wash.) and Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) introduced the Workflex in the 21st Century Act. I had a big post here about Workflex, which The Society for Human Resource Development (SHRM) has endorsed and…


Mediation Survey Results!!! (I picked the right side hustle.)

Image Credit: ( Yesterday, you provided some great feedback on mediation. And, today, I want to share those results. (As an encore, tomorrow, I’ll get into SHRM’s Workflex bill, which recently took center stage before the House Subcommittee on Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions.) Survey says… Employment law is my…


SURVEY: Hey HR, in-house, and outside counsel! What do you think about mediation?

Image Credit: ( Did you know that, for the past ten years, I have served as a volunteer mediator in the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Mediation Program? Separately, I’m also a private mediator, where I specialize in helping parties resolve all sorts of employment cases. Often, I’m called upon before arbitration or…