
The Employer Handbook Blog


You and I, we need to have a talk about yesterday’s survey.

By S nova [CC BY-SA 3.0 ], from Wikimedia CommonsIn yesterday’s blog post, I asked you whether your employees trust your human resources department. This poll was anonymous. I only logged most of the IP addresses. Just kidding. I logged them all. Just kidding. Ok, enough kidding around. You want to know…


Do your employees trust your Human Resources Department?

Image Credit: ( No, they don’t. Well, at least not according to a recent survey I saw on Twitter. Earlier this week, Dave Jamieson, a labor reporter for Huffington Post, tweeted the results of a survey conducted by the creators of a workplace app called Blind. Blind is an anonymous community app…


NJ federal court: Employers don’t have to excuse medical marijuana users from taking workplace drug tests

Photo by: | VIRIN: 110402-F-5068D-001.JPG ( By any reasonable, objective measure, New Jersey was having a pretty good employee-rights run in 2018 — even by NJ standards. The Diane Allen Equal Pay Act, which took effect earlier this Summer, is the most employee-friendly equal-pay law in the country; In the Fall,…


New Jersey is teaming up with the DOL to crack down on worker misclassification

Photo By: Airman 1st Class Anthony Nin Leclerec ( I feel like worker misclassification has been an issue that’s been flying under the radar for the last year or so, especially as it relates to independent contractors. In 2016, and the first half of 2017, employers were fixated on the…


EEOC: Major U.S. airline ignored sexual harassment that ultimately ended in an FBI arrest and conviction

By Joe Ravi, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link Surely, you remember the days (weeks) of horrible headlines that dogged United Airlines after the incident in which passengers filmed security dragging down the aisle a bloodied passenger who refused to give up his seat to an airline employee. Well, United may soon…


“Eric, if we sexually harass female AND male employees, that cancels itself out, and we’re good, right?”

Screenshot from No. And you may end up paying the EEOC three million dollars. Like this company.  (Oh, the irony.) Here’s more from the EEOC press release: The U.S. District Court approved a consent decree … for $3.5 million and remedial measures to resolve a sexual harassment lawsuit, the…


Could an unhealthy Snapchat selfie addiction spiral into an ADA workplace disability?

Image Credit: ( A recent American Medical Association study suggests that it could. What is Snapchat? (f/k/a “It’s nice to see you surface from under that rock.”) For those who aren’t familiar with Snapchat, it’s a smartphone app that allows users to share pictures and short movies briefly before…


Will Marco Rubio’s new federal paid-leave legislation be the one to emerge from the pack?

By Social Security Administration (Social Security Administration) [Public domain], via Wikimedia CommonsLast week, Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) introduced another federal paid leave proposal into the swelling options currently being considered in Congress. Kicking the can on Social Security. This bill is being dubbed the ‘‘Economic Security for New Parents Act.”…