
The Employer Handbook Blog


16 states have asked the Supreme Court to limit LGBT rights at work. Which 16, you ask?

By Nederlands Instituut voor de Classificatie voor Audiovisueel Materiaal (NICAM) ( [Public domain], via Wikimedia CommonsBy the time you read this, I should be blissfully cruising in the Atlantic outside the range of any cell towers. However, between now (Saturday afternoon) and Monday, I am feverishly punching out 5 blog…


Would-be NASA intern gets vulgar with another Twitter user — turns out he’s a NASA legend — promptly loses internship

Here’s a pro tip for you: The next time you land an awesome internship, avoid exchanging tweets similar to the redacted ones in the screenshot up there. Especially with someone who is on the council that oversees the company with which you just received the internship. This pro tip applies…


EEOC: HR didn’t want to set a disabled employee up for failure, so the company fired her instead.

By Gooddeedsday [CC BY-SA 4.0 ], from Wikimedia CommonsDo you know that proverb “no good deed goes unpunished”? This isn’t that situation. “There was no point in continuing the training.” Last week, the EEOC announced that it was suing an employer for disability discrimination after it fired an employee with…


Every state in the Third Circuit now recognizes LGBT rights at work. Third Circuit not so much for now.

Public Domain, Link It’s right there in the statute. Under New Jersey and Delaware state law, you can’t discriminate against an employee based on his or her sexual orientation or gender identity. Now, you won’t find the words “sexual orientation” or “gender identity” anywhere in the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act. But, starting…


What happens when a sexual assault victim is later accused of sexual assault? #MeToo

Georges Biard [CC BY-SA 3.0 ], from Wikimedia CommonsOver the weekend, there were several reports (including this one from Kim Severson at the New York Times) that Asia Argento paid out a large settlement to a man who accused Ms. Argento of sexually assaulting him in a hotel room when he…


Which law firms would I recommend that you use to sue your employer?

I’ll wait patiently while you pick your jaws up off the floor. I want some of what you’re having, Eric. Have you lost your freaking mind, Eric? Nope, I’m good. I’ve been practicing law now for nearly twenty years. In that time, I’ve learned a few immutable truths: Plaintiffs keep every…