
The Employer Handbook Blog


Google ends forced arbitration of sexual harassment claims. Should you? Then what?

Google Inc. [Public domain], via Wikimedia CommonsThe last month for Google has been big for tech and employment law nerds alike. And I just happen to check both boxes. On the tech side, Google released the latest versions of its flagship phone, the Google Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL.…


A reporter sought an interview with a Senate candidate, but said a little bit more — TMI — after she thought she had hung up the phone.

Image Credit: ( Spoiler alert: She got fired. Many of us have been there. Someone walks into your office, calls you on the phone, emails or texts you, or whatever it is the Millenials do these days. That encounter rubs you the wrong way. And you respond instinctively, words…


What if the general release in your severance agreement isn’t as “general” as you think it is? What then?

Image Credit: ( On Tuesday, I wrote about severance agreements. Specifically, I suggested that employers benefit from: (1) drafting easy-to-understand agreements; and (2) giving former employees a reasonable amount of time to read the agreement and decide whether to sign. Generally, if you check those boxes, you’ve got yourself…


It’s unanimous! Supreme Court rules that any public-sector employee 40 years or older may file an age-bias claim

Joe Ravi [CC BY-SA 3.0 ], from Wikimedia CommonsLest you think that eight Supreme Court Justices — Justice Kavanaugh did not participate — can never see eye-to-eye on how to resolve an employment law issue.  Yesterday, the Court unanimously concluded in Mount Lemmon Fire District v. Guido (here) that while the…

Posted in: Age

At least two employees didn’t read my ‘blackface’ post, and you’ll never believe what some Idaho teachers wore for Halloween

Image Credit:: ( I know that wearing blackface on Halloween is a bad idea. You know it too. And, now, so does Megyn Kelly. But not everyone got the memo. From blackface to pink slip. Like a nurse in Kansas City, reports Lisa Gutierrez at the Kansas City Star…


Five great ideas on how your business can revamp workplace culture to prevent harassment

Image Credit: ( Yesterday, while you were sneaking Fun Size Peanut M&Ms out of the Halloween pumpkin before the trick-or-treaters showed up — maybe that was just me — the EEOC held a public meeting on Steps to Transform Workplace Culture to Prevent Harassment. The consensus was that employers…


If at first you don’t succeed, sue, sue, and sue again.

Par Idibri — Flickr –, CC BY 2.0, Lien Today, I’m going to tell you the story of a man that has now sued the same employer four times. It’s a bit like the Buffalo Bills of employment litigation, except the plaintiff here hasn’t suffered a fourth defeat…yet. Fake…