
The Employer Handbook Blog


Farewell, EEOC Commissioner Chai Feldblum. Yesterday, was Chai Feldblum’s last day on the job as Commissioner at the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. According to her EEOC bio — I’m not sure how long this will remain active — Ms. Feldblum had two terms as Commissioner spanning nearly nine years. During that time, Ms. Feldblum “focused…


Do you have to pay hourly employees for travel time?

Roula30 [CC BY-SA 3.0], from Wikimedia CommonsHere’s a belated holiday present from the U.S. Department of Labor for employers with hourly employees to ring in the new year. Back on Friday, December 21, when I was out braving last-minute-shopper crowds at the mall watching Bird Box on Netflix working past regular business…


Let’s start the year off with a big joint-employer decision

EriKolaborator [CC BY-SA 3.0], from Wikimedia CommonsNotice, I didn’t go so far as to say, “Let’s start the year off right.” That’s because organized labor/union blog posts are like reader kryptonite. But, since the United States Court of Appeals of the District of Columbia, in this opinion issued late last…


26 of the best last-minute stocking-stuffer ideas🎄🎁🎅

Image Credit: ( Oh, that’s cute. You clicking thinking that I would be inspiring you. No, I do that on all the other weekdays — well, maybe except yesterday. Actually, I need you to hook me up with some good, last-minute Christmas present ideas. Asking for a friend.


When does federal law require you to pay a job applicant to interview? Wait, what?!? (UPDATED)

Image Credit: ( #TheMoreYouKnow A big tip of the cap and thank you to Janette Levey Frisch, who is the muse for today’s post. Yesterday, Janette posted on LinkedIn and a U.S. Department of Labor settlement. This isn’t just any ordinary wage and hour settlement. No, this one settled Fair Labor…


A federal judge declared the Affordable Care Act unconstitutional. In plain English, here’s what this means for your business.

Image Credit ( “I thought you said ‘plain English,’ Handbook!” I did, didn’t I? Well, there’s good news, and there’s even better news. The good news is that the image that goes with this blog post is the only legalese that you’ll get from me today. The better news is that…


CBS just denied Les Moonves’ $120M severance. Can it do that? I have his employment and severance agreements.

David Shankbone [CC BY 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons“Hold my drink, Harvey Weinstein. I generated the most #MeToo tweets in a single day; 800,000 of them!” That’s something that former CBS CEO Les Moonves never actually said. Although, it’s true that Mr. Moonves set that infamous record on September 9, 2018. Since…


If you could only listen to one HR-compliance podcast episode…

Font Awesome Free 5.2.0 by @fontawesome – [CC BY 4.0]Let’s do something a little different today. I’m giving my typing fingers (and your reading eyes) a little extra R&R. Last week I hung out with my HR friend Ira Wolfe and his co-host, Keith Campagna, to discuss a variety…


Imagine your employee signing a release and then suing you. That would stink, wouldn’t it?

Image Credit: ( Wait. Could the really happen? Oh, I read a federal court opinion last night where it’s happening right now. And I’ve got the details for you. But, first, let’s remember that what I’m about to share with you are facts pled in a complaint, and there…