
The Employer Handbook Blog


The owner’s son was fired for peeing on a child’s cancer memorial. Lessons on accountability and off-duty conduct.

The owner of a plumbing company fired his son who is accused of urinating on a memorial dedicated to a boy who died from cancer in 2012. That’s according to multiple news reports, including this report from Colt Shaw of the Press of Atlantic City Apparently, a friend recorded the…


2020 presidential candidate Kamala Harris just floated ‘the most aggressive equal pay proposal in history.’

United States Senate [Public domain], via Wikimedia CommonsYep, this plan packs a punch. So, let’s head over to Ms. Harris’s campaign website to see what this is all about. It says here that companies will be required to prove that they’re not paying women less than men for work of…


What does a $3.3M jury verdict for race discrimination by a strip club look like? I’ll show you.

Image Credit: Google Street View It doesn’t look so good if you are the defendant. Last week, a Mississippi federal court jury concluded that a strip club in Mississippi had discriminated against five black dancers.  In total, the jury awarded the women $1.5 million in punitive damages, $1.68 million in…


The House passed the Equality Act to protect LGBT rights at work. Here’s why it won’t become law.

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash Allow me to explain. Eric. remind me. What is the Equality Act? Among other things, the Equality Act would amend Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the federal anti-discrimination law for the workplace, to clarify that discrimination based on sex (currently…


A new bill in Congress will end forced arbitration of employment claims. But, will it pass?

Image Credit: In a statement issued earlier this week, House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) announced that he would “not rest” until Congress passed “historic legislation to end forced arbitration.” I have a feeling Mr. Nadler is going to be pretty tired. But, let’s see what this is all…


Examples of pregnancy accommodations include shift changes, rest breaks and, oh yeah, open-toed shoes.

By David Shankbone – Own work, CC BY 3.0, Link Yesterday’s post was all about the breadth of the Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA). We addressed a situation in which a plaintiff alleged that her employer fired her for seeking an abortion. The court concluded that, if true, the employer’s actions would…


A company allegedly fired a woman because she got an abortion. But, is that illegal?

Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay A Louisiana woman claimed that, back in September 2017, she told her employer that she had become pregnant and that she was planning on having an abortion. The woman then alleged that, during her time off from work, the company violated the Pregnancy Discrimination Act…


Is it ok to ask a lesbian co-worker to use her ‘gaydar’ to determine whether a new client is also gay?

Photo via Good Free Photos Short answer: No. Slightly longer answer: No, you jerk, of course not! In a few hundred more words, I’ll explain why. New Jersey: Lovers of pork roll and equal rights; haters of ‘gaydar’ comments from supervisors. The genesis for this blog post is this press…


The EEOC has a new Chair and a quorum. Here’s what this means for employers.

U.S. Government [Public domain], via Wikimedia CommonsIt took nearly two years for the Senate to vote on Janet Dhillon, President Trump’s nominee to Chair the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. However, last week, the Senate finally confirmed Ms. Dillon. So, not only does the EEOC have a new leader, but…