
The Employer Handbook Blog


A stray comment is probably not enough to lose a discrimination lawsuit. But, it can be enough to lose a job.

Image by Bokskapet from Pixabay Just ask a Detroit TV news anchor with 26 years of experience and 15 Michigan Emmys. Here’s more from Steve Neavling reporting here from the Detroit Metro Times: [A]n investigative reporter for WDIV-TV, said he was abruptly fired from the news station for a racial…


The most fun you can have in a week with wage and hour compliance!!!

ImperfectTommy / Edmond Meinfelder [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia CommonsWhat’s better than a three-part series on wage-and-hour compliance? (Other than an apple cider tour with Ned Flanders.) Don’t answer that question! Ok, here’s the thing. Most of you are on vacation this July 4th week and won’t read this post.…


What form of discrimination do juries hate most? (But, you’re probably doing the least to address.)

Photo By: Senior Airman Donald Hudson ( A former federal judge once told me that of all the forms of employment discrimination that juries hate, bias against military personnel tops the list. What is USERRA? The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA) is a federal law…


A substitute teacher was fired for allegedly filming porn in a high school classroom. Let’s have a lesson on background checks.

Liz [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia CommonsNot watching porn; filming it. Ew! We need bleach and a dumpster fire for the school supplies! According to this report from Brhe Berry and Shelley Childers at ABC 13, a school official confirmed that a substitute teacher, whom the school had employed for…


I can do better than yesterday’s weak sauce “72 police officers” post

By Zuzu – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link “72 police officers in trouble over offensive Facebook posts is your wake-up call to reeducate employees about responsible social media.” Yeah, that takeaway stinks. I should have focused on the conscious bias instead. Yesterday, at the SHRM Conference, I was talking…


72 police officers in trouble over offensive Facebook posts is your wake-up call to reeducate employees about responsible social media.

By Zuzu – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link I’m typing this post in Las Vegas at the 2019 SHRM Annual Conference and Exposition. Several years ago, the intersection employee use of social media and HR compliance spawned several sessions on the topic. I should know; I delivered many of…