
The Employer Handbook Blog


An employer with more than 500 employees was sued for violating the FFCRA. Now, I’m confused. 😕

Virginia Retail from Virginia, USA / CC BY How did one of the largest supermarket chains in the world, a Fortune 50 company, possibly violate the Families First Coronavirus Response Act? Allegedly. Let’s find out as we delve into this unusual federal court complaint filed last month in Indiana. Most of…


DOL: COVID-19 is not an excuse to skip your employees’ paychecks. Plus details on Friday’s Zoom chat

Image by Jo_Johnston from Pixabay About a month ago, a hairstylist filed a COVID-19 class-action lawsuit in New Jersey. Her claims were the prototypical lowest-hanging fruit. That is, the plaintiffs allege that the employer withheld pay from employees once it abruptly closed its doors to the public due to the…


One employee learned that, even during a COVID-19 pandemic, social media rants can have harsh consequences

Image by Andrey_Lesya from Pixabay Amazingly, this piece of cloth creates so much civil unrest right now. But, this isn’t a blog post about whether individuals should have to wear face masks in public, at work, or other local businesses. It’s been a while since I’ve done a social media…


COVID-19 news galore from the EEOC and DOL. Let’s discuss it here and on Facebook Live at 11:30 AM EDT

Yatko / CC BY-SA Kate Bischoff and I are looking forward to hanging out with you today — even you, dad — at 11:30 EDT today at The Employer Handbook Facebook Fan Page. We’ll look at how this return-to-work thing is going and what employers still need to do to…


Best-laid plans? Is one state setting up employers for COVID-19 retaliation claims?

Image by 272447 from Pixabay And it’s not New York, New Jersey, or California. Actually, it’s Ohio. (But, the rest of you should pay attention too.) On Tuesday, my buddy Jon Hyman blogged here on the Coronavirus Law Blog about a website that the Ohio Department of Job and Family…


Three chances to hang out with me and talk COVID-19 and other HR stuff. Plus, new COBRA Notices!!!

Michael Allen Smith from Seattle, USA / CC BY-SA Perhaps, the wrong COBRA. We’ll sort that out in a bit. But first I’ve got to tell you all about some free HR-compliance stuff. Kinda like this blog. (I really must re-think my business plan.) (sigh). Today at 2 PM EDT/…