
Oh, hey! A paid family leave bill has made its way back to Congress.

A little over three years ago, I blogged here about the Senate and House each introducing the Family and Medical Insurance Leave Act. (FAMILY Act). The FAMILY Act, which never made it out of Congress to President Obama, would have created a national paid family and medical leave program for all workers, male and female.

Well, guess what’s back?

That’s right, it’s the FAMILY Act. How’d you guess?

Well, tell the readers what they might win, Senator Gillibrand (NY-D):

A lack of a national paid leave program hurts businesses; studies show that businesses incur an additional 20 percent cost to recruit and retrain new workers replacing others who left because they did not have paid leave.

The FAMILY Act creates a self-sustaining family insurance program for all workers – young and elderly, single and married, and men and women, regardless of the size of their employer. Modeled after successful state programs, and costing only as much as a cup of coffee per week, the fund would provide up to 66 percent wage-replacement for 12 weeks in the event of a serious personal or family medical emergency.

Gosh, sound expensive. How are we going to fund this? I suppose you can tell my readers, Rep. Rose DeLauro (CT-D):

The FAMILY Act would be paid for through small employer and employee contributions. The average worker would pay just $1.50 per week and the benefits would be completely portable and not tied to any one employer. The legislation is not just beneficial for workers—it works for businesses. In fact, research from the states where paid leave laws have passed shows that implementing the policy has had positive effects on recruitment, retention, productivity and overall performance.

But, what if we want even more information on the FAMILY Act? I don’t suppose that there’s a fact sheet…

Yep, here’s a fact sheet.

Right now, only three states (California, New Jersey and Rhode Island) have a paid family leave program. New York will get in on the act in 2018.

But, the question on everyone’s mind, is Eric #TeamRick or #TeamNegan? will the FAMILY Act become law this time around? Well, on the Senate side the bill sits in the Finance Committee (14 Rs; 12 Ds). And, in the House, the bill heads to the Ways and Means Committee, which is dominated by Republicans too. So…

Don’t hold your breath.

P.S. – I’m Team Rick.