
Lawsuit: P. Diddy did it (sexual harassment) right after he and his house guests did it (sex).

Sean Combs.jpgWhen others go high, I go low.

Wait a minute! I got that backwards didn’t I?  Dammit! That explains why I didn’t come up with “In Firing Employees, A Bit of Humanity Still Helps.” It’s a pragmatic post inspired by recent events from employment lawyer and blogger, Daniel Schwartz.

Instead, I get my HR-compliance news from a TMZ story entitled, “I HAD TO SERVE HIS POST-SEX MEALS… He Served Up His Junk.” Welp, there’s only one thing left to do, I guess.

Yes, I’d better double down.

The Daily Mail — another one of my faves — reports here that a former employee of Sean “P. Diddy” Combs is suing him for sexual harassment and not being paid overtime. The Hollywood Reporter has a copy of the plaintiff’s complaint here. In her complaint, the plaintiff, a former chef for Mr. Combs claims, among other things, well, ewww…

Diddy1…and yuck


Then this happened…


Hence, this lawsuit.

If you’re looking for some employer takeaways, I suggest that you head over to Dan’s post about treating employees with dignity.