
Join me on Zoom on October 21 at noon ET as we discuss your employees’ mental health and wellness. It’s FREE!


Oooooh…this one is going to be really good!

There’s usually a certain formula when I invite other attorneys to join me to chat on The Employer Handbook Zoom Office Happy Hour. We pick an employment law topic, dissect it for an hour, and sprinkle in some audience Q&A.

For example, this past Friday, Jon Hyman and I talked about whether the rise in union popularity and success is a fad or a trend. In case you missed it, you can video the replay here on The Employer Handbook YouTube Channel. If you like the video, please be sure to leave a “thumbs up.” Also, feel free to subscribe to the channel and click the bell notification icon so you’ll be notified when future videos release.

This Friday, however, we’re going to be doing things a little bit differently.

First, I have two attorneys joining me, one of whom isn’t an employment attorney at all.

My first guest is my FisherBroyles partner, Justin Nahama. Among other things, Justin also leads the Chopra Foundation’s global programs and research efforts to inspire joy and create a critical mass for a peaceful, just, sustainable and healthy world. Justin also founded Nurolux, which supports the Autism community by restoring hope for families impacted by Autism by providing them with the technology to light the path ahead. We’ll tap into Justin’s passion and authenticity to discover ways to improve employee mental health and wellbeing in your workplace.

My other guest is a familiar face, Amy Epstein Gluck. Amy is Employment Counsel and Employment/Litigation Partner at FisherBroyles, LLP and Founding Member, DC at Chief, a private network built to drive more women into positions of power and keep them there. Amy counsel clients on ADA/FMLA issues and spearheaded our firm’s efforts to improve the mental health and wellness of our colleagues. Among other things, she developed the “Happy Hour,” a regular voluntary meeting on Zoom where attorneys discuss mental health and self-care to normalize and destigmatize these topics.

We’ll spend some time with Amy on Friday discussing not only HR-c0mpliance issues surrounding employee mental health but also some practical ways to make it a priority for employees to help themselves and provide support for others.

If any of these topics pique your interest, please join us if you can on Friday, October 21, 2022 at Noon ET for the next edition of The Employer Handbook Zoom Office Happy Hour.

As always, it’s free. Just click here (https://bit.ly/MentalHealthSuccess) to register.