
Join me for bagels, a schmear and #ACA next Tuesday in Philly.


I didn’t stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. But, even if I had, heck, I could move in to a Holiday Inn Express for a month and still not have anything intelligent to offer when one of my clients brings up the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare).

Now, I’m guessing that some of you have ACA dartboards migraines questions. (Something other than WTH?!?!?).  I’m going to do one better than refer you to our Employee’s Benefits Practice Group.

My firm is hosting a free Affordable Care Act breakfast briefing on Tuesday, July 21, 2015 at 8:15 am at our office in Philadelphia, PA. Not only can you participate in a roundtable discussion about impending reporting requirements relating to the Affordable Care Act and related healthcare reform and compliance issues, but you get access to ACA compliance nerds from both my firm and Deloitte.

If nothing more, you get fried oreos and Meyer in a dunk tank free breakfast and some HR/CLE credits. But, what’s especially nice about this session is that it will afford plenty of opportunity for the audience to ask questions.

Space at this event is limited. If you’d like to attend, e-mail me.

Hope to see you there.