
I’ve got good news and I’ve got bad news

Good News and Bad NewsThe good news is that I get to play an 80’s rock ballad (youtube, Spotify) as I share with you the bad news that, by the time you read this post, you’re most likely SOL for signing up for “The Employment Law Year in Review,” a free webinar on Thu, Dec 7, 2017 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM EST.

That’s right, my dudes!

I started advertising the webinar on Monday and, just like that, buh-bye to 1000 attendee slots. I can’t imagine what the secondary market for tickets to next month’s big event must look like right now. Wonder. Wonder.

But, fret not, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. My man, Jon Hyman, is working on freeing up some more seats for you folks who didn’t heed the advice to sign up early. I’ll keep you updated on that.

In the meantime, there is some other good news. I want to share with you a “find”!

A few months ago, I connected on LinkedIn with an employment lawyer named Marc Alifanz. Yesterday Marc announced that he has a news comedic HR podcast called Hostile Work Environment with Marc and Dennis. (Candidly, I’m not quite sure who Dennis is other than he’s a lawyer. So, by process of elimination, it’s not Dennis the Menace or Dennis Rodman.) Either way, I listened to one of the podcast episodes yesterday and it’s aight. It appears that each one is about thirty minutes long and includes two case studies and a reader email. The half-hour is conversational and, between chuckles, listeners will raise their HR-compliance game and pick up some practical advice.

You can get all the podcast details here.