I had two topics on the brain to blog about:
- Whether, under the Americans with Disabilities Act, being on time is an essential function of the job. Fortunately, Daniel Schwartz addressed that yesterday here at the Connecticut Employment Law Blog.
- As a follow-up to yesterday’s wage-and-hour / Daylight Savings Time post, exploring how DST impacts tracking intermittent leave taken under the Family and Medical Leave Act.
{Go take a bath right now to cleanse yourself of the employment-law dorkness that hit you from reading No. 2}
Instead, after the jump, I have, well, you read the title to this post. These are my tweets (and several retweets) from the “EEOC Overview and HR Mixer” I attended yesterday — hashtag #ubernerd #EEOCHR
{Better grab the soap and turn on that bath again. You’ve been warned.}
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[View the story “Tweets from #EEOC Overview and #HR Mixer” on Storify]