
Top 5 Reasons Employers Give Their Employees the Boot

I’m in Las Vegas.

So, for today, Jane Smith has control of the The Employer handbook. Jane is a freelance writer and blogger. She writes about free background checks for After the jump, check out her top 5 reasons employers give employees the boot. Questions and comments can be sent to:

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Gainful employment is no small feat in today’s turbulent (and often traumatic) economic climate. With numerous eligible candidates on the job market and very few jobs actually available, finding a well paid and steady job has become a disastrously difficult task. Furthermore, the current economic dilemma plaguing the U.S. and much of the world has forced employers to make drastic cutbacks in their spending and financials. Companies everywhere are being forced to let go long standing employees just to keep their heads afloat in the choppy corporate world. In light of this economic mess, those who are employed are (or at least should be) doing everything they can to hold on to those positions and outperform the person next to them. These are the top five reasons that employers fire their employees:

Poor Performance
Obviously, underperforming at your job is going to cause some problems. During a time when employment rates are normal and the economy is strong, employers may go to great lengths to get you to perform better. However, today many employers will see a lack of performance and decide it is not worth the time or effort to push you to try harder. With the finances already tight for most companies and employees, underperformance is nearly inexcusable. Of course, there are laws and regulations in place throughout each state that delineate the protocol for issuing formal warnings and laying individuals off.

Dishonesty on the Job
Honesty and integrity are two invaluable character traits in the professional world (and in general of course). It is important that you be honest and straightforward on the job with management and your coworkers. Keeping your fellow employees informed and aware of what you think about pertinent aspects of your job is a good way to maintain a healthy and happy work environment. Some employees may resort to lying when they find themselves in a bind to meet deadlines or project milestones. This doesn’t necessary warrant an immediate dismissal, but employers will no doubt keep record of the offense. Moreover, pointless mistruths like these are never productive for your work. You will become a more successful employee by discussing any time constraint or work related issues with your employer openly and honestly.

Lying on a Resume
While lying on the job rarely results in immediate expulsion (dependant, of course, on the severity of the situation), lying about qualifications or credentials on a resume does. More and more often today, employers are checking every reference and looking more closely into educational certifications provided by job applicants on a resume. These extra precautionary measures have obviously made it significantly more difficult for applicants to lie about their qualifications or employment history. Lying on a resume demonstrates a disregard for your employer’s authority and a general untrustworthiness. Employers look to hire employees that will last and remain loyal to the company. Any form of lying, particularly to that degree, indicates a lack of loyalty to the well-being of that company.

Not Following Directions
This reason should be pretty self explanatory. Obviously, if you are unable to follow your employers instructions, than you are not performing your job properly. One of the biggest struggles many people have in the business world is working with the hierarchy of power. As an employee, your supervisors and bosses determine what it is you do and how to do it for the most part. You are expected to do everything (within legal and reasonable bounds) that your higher-ups ask of you. If you have an idea or opinion on something, you must first bring it up with your supervisor, manager, or boss before acting on it. While the concept of following directions, doing so in a professional setting can be a challenge for many people.

Handling Personal Matters at Work
As the adage goes, time is money. Misusing company resources is a classic way to lose your job. Employees who spend their work hours browsing the internet for non-work-related things, using office supplies for personal needs, and conducting personal phone calls during working hours are wasting the company’s money. Of course, some employers are more lenient than others, but for the most part personal business is to be avoided during work. Save your personal phone calls and emails for your lunch break at the very least. Also, be sure to review your company’s handbook on personal time at work. There may be specific rules or policies concerning phone calls and internet use that you should be aware of. If you continue to misuse your time at work, an employer will fire you for wasting company money and not performing your job.