
If you have questions today about FMLA/ADA leave issues, I’ve got your hook up

Thumbnail image for weknownext.pngIn two weeks, at the SHRM Annual Conference, I’ll be presenting “Meeting the Challenges That Leaves of Absence and Attendance Issues Present Under the FMLA and ADA.” 

The good news is that I have 75 minutes of HR greatness planned for my SHRM sesh. The bad news is that my presentation is at 7:00 AM on the day after the #SHRM14 Social Bash at the Hard Rock Cafe.

So, let’s just say “Hey, thanks a lot, SHRM!” that I anticipate an intimate gathering of HR hardcore FMLA/ADAthletes for my spiel.

What do you think? Should I provide coffee or hair of the dog? Irish Coffee it is!

If, somehow, you miss my session because [insert another inappropriate comment here] or you won’t be at the SHRM Annual Conference, you’re not our of luck. Because…

Me, you, Twitter, today 3 pm. Your FMLA/ADA questions; my answers. Details here.

Let’s do this, yo.