
“So, are you going to finish those crumbs on your desk? Oh, and hire me!”

Running on a treadmillWell, since salary-history questions are going to be off-limits soon in Philadelphia. And, since other cities may follow this blazed trail and create a trend — just do better than what your city calls, a “Philly Cheesesteak.” Trust me, yours is awful —  hiring managers must discuss other things during job interviews.

So, how about getting your applicants to open up and share other useful information? Or, maybe, if this recent CareerBuilder survey is any indicator, you can just shut your mouth and let the “magic” happen on its own.

To wit (as we lawyers like to say), CareerBuilder has compiled a list of the most unusual things job candidates have done during the interview process. Unusual things that would tend to eliminate the need to discuss salary history. Here’s what made the list:

  • Candidate asked to step away to call his wife to ask her if the starting salary was enough before he agreed to continue with the interview.
  • Candidate asked where the nearest bar was located.
  • Candidate brought his childhood toys to the interview.
  • Candidate ate a pizza he brought with him (and didn’t offer to share).
  • Candidate asked interviewer why her aura didn’t like the candidate.
  • Candidate invited interviewer to dinner afterwards.
  • Candidate stated that if the interviewer wanted to get to heaven, she would hire him.
  • Candidate ate crumbs off the table.
  • Candidate said her hair was perfect when asked why she should become part of the team.
  • Candidate sang to a song on the radio playing overhead.
  • Candidate bragged about the fact that they were in the local newspaper for allegedly stealing a treadmill from an older woman’s house.
  • Candidate put on and took off her sunglasses repeatedly.

Ok, ok. Not bad CareerBuilder. But, I’ll bet you the crumbs on my desk that readers of The Employer Handbook can top this.

So, dudes, you know what to do:

  1. Email me your story.
  2. Don’t share with me anything that involves pending litigation or a confidentiality agreement.
  3. Heck, I don’t want to hear about anything unless the statute of limitations has expired.
  4. I’ll pick my Top 5 and share them (with names and other identifiers redacted) on Friday.