
Articles Posted in Workplace Safety / Violence


Another state just forbid employers from requiring employee COVID-19 vaccinations.

AnonMoos based on image by Darwinek, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons First it was Montana. And now Texas has become the second state to prohibit vaccine mandates. Governor Greg Abbott issued an executive order stating that no entity in Texas can compel receipt of a COVID-19 vaccination by any…


Joking around about COVID-19 can get you fired … and 15 months in federal prison too 😨

Image Credit: Earlier this week, the U.S. Department of Justice announced that a Texas man received 15 months in prison for perpetrating a hoax related to COVID-19 after a federal jury found him guilty of two counts of 18 U.S.C. § 1038, which criminalizes false information and hoaxes related to…


Did I just catch a sneak peek at the forthcoming OSHA vaccine/testing mandate?

Image Credit: Yes, I think I did. So, I’ll let you in on it. In September, President Biden signed an Executive Order requiring federal employees to get vaccinated as a condition of employment. This week, the federal government updated its Frequently Asked Questions for Vaccinations for federal sector workers.…


Will Senate bills like the ‘Biden Can’t Force Me Act’ and ‘Don’t Jab Me Act’ stop vaccine mandates?

Image by fernando zhiminaicela from Pixabay No, I’m not making this up. And, spoiler alert, 🥴 As I meant to tell you on Tuesday, another reason that courts don’t overturn an employer’s mandatory vaccination policy is that they’ll generally defer to lawmakers to decide whether employers should have that power.…


Now, the CDC strongly recommends urgent action to vaccinate pregnant women. But, what about accommodations?

pregnant woman by Adrien Coquet from the Noun Project Days Since Last COVID-19 Mandatory Vaccination Post: One Zero. A little over a month ago, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) officially recommended vaccinations for all women who are pregnant, breastfeeding, trying to get pregnant now, or might become…


Nine reasons why it’s unlikely that any court will overturn your employer’s mandatory vaccine policy.

SELF Magazine, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons Yesterday, I read two more decisions (here and here) from federal judges evaluating mandatory vaccination policies. Both involved attempts by plaintiffs to obtain a preliminary injunction to avoid getting the jab. One involved a student at a public university; the other involved…


NEW: Details on the White House COVID-⁠19 vaccine mandate for federal contractors

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay If your company (regardless of employee headcount) performs work on federal government contracts, then the government has some additional information for you on mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations and masking. And I’m here to fill you in on the three high points. Covered contractors must ensure…


What happens when leaders flout the COVID-19 rules that they purport to impose on everyone?

Image by Venita Oberholster from Pixabay Several states and cities require that individuals wear masks in indoor public places, regardless of vaccination status. Independent of any state or local law, many businesses require the same. In either case, you’d think that not only would those rules apply to everyone, but…


A judge wasn’t buying a plaintiff’s religious reasons to avoid a vaccine mandate. And, sometimes, neither should you.

Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay Yesterday, my friend Jon Hyman blogged about fetal stem cells and vaccine-mandate religious exemptions. TL;DR. Any employee that refused the Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 vaccines because they contain aborted fetal cells is full of 💩. They don’t. Consequently, any religious exemption request that an…