
Articles Posted in Wage and Hour


Fact or Fiction: FLSA preempts state wage and hour laws?

That’s right folks. It’s time for another edition of “Fact or Fiction” a/k/a “Quick Answers to Quick Questions” a/k/a QATQQ f/k/a “I don’t feel like writing a long blog post” d/b/a (just for today) “Eric’s 36th-Birthday Post”.  *** Sigh *** Ahh…let’s get to today’s question: May an employee raise claims…


6 keys to keeping unpaid internships from becoming a hot wage & hour mess

Yesterday, I presented “Reducing the Risk of Wage and Hour Litigation” with my partner, Jennifer Platzkere Snyder, at ALM’s In-House Counsel Labor and Employment Law Forum. We talked best practices, common mistakes, and Supreme Court. We also dipped into some hot issues, the hottest of which, by far, based on…


U.S. Department of Labor has new FLSA and FMLA fact sheets

Last month, the U.S. Department of Labor published new fact sheets on its website. Employers and employees alike will want to check these out: Here is a link to the FLSA fact sheet. This fact sheet provides general information concerning the FLSA’s prohibition of retaliating against any employee who has…


Your favorite “The Employer Handbook” posts from 2011

  As the year draws to a close, let’s take a look back at the most popular posts at The Employer Handbook in 2011, based on number of hits: 5. Social media and the workplace. School teacher Natalie Munroe made several appearances on the blog this year. Remember her? She…


Nothing good comes of forcing employees to go to brothels

And, then, there are those that allegedly do. It is on those occasions that this blog can practically write itself. Take, for example, AutoNation. According to a complaint recently filed in California state court — well, let’s just say that AutoNation better have some good lawyers. A copy of the…


What’s the tax treatment on a Georgia lap dance anyway?

After the jump, you’ll meet Karenza Clincy. She, along with other “nude, female exotic dancers,” sued The Onyx (safe for work), an Atlanta Nightclub, for wage and hour violations. The club claims that the dancers are independent contractors. The plaintiff-dancers claim that they are employees — and employees get minimum wage and time-and-a-half…


Welcome to the Employment Law Blog Carnival: Jukebox edition!

The Employment Law Blog Carnival has finally rolled into town. What is a blog carnival? It is a collection of links on a particular topic — here, employment law — that bloggers have submitted to me, which I then arrange around a particular theme. For this edition of the Carnival,…