
Articles Posted in Wage and Hour


Welcome to the Employment Law Blog Carnival: Hollywood Villains Edition

Welcome everyone to the Employment Law Blog Carnival. What you’ll find after the jump is the best, recent posts from around the employment-law blogosphere all organized around a common theme. So, yeah, we need a theme. [Lousy blog rules] Two years ago, we spun some tunes with the “Employment Law…


NJ votes to increase minimum wage to $8.25

On Election Day, NJ voters approved a constitutional amendment increasing the state’s minimum wage by $1, from $7.25 to $8.25. The new wage rate will take effect on January 1, and future increases will be tied to inflation. Governor Chris Christie, who was re-elected on Tuesday had opposed the increase,…


DOL provides guidance on home care workers and law firm internships

I remember back in the good old days, when law-firm internships meant private jets, caviar lunches and….toilet paper? As if!. But now, times are tougher. Some firms find themselves forced to forego paying law students in lieu of offering volunteer pro bono opportunities to enable them to receive work experience.…


House passes bill permitting employees to swap OT for comp time

On Wednesday, the U.S. House of Representatives voted 223-204 to pass the Working Families Flexibility Act of 2013, which would amend the Fair Labor Standards Act to permit employers to provide compensatory time off in lieu of monetary compensation for overtime hours worked. Presently, through the Federal Employees Flexible and…