
Articles Posted in Wage and Hour


Employment Law Blog Carnival – Pick Your Holiday Edition

The third week of April ushers in several holidays: Passover, Good Friday, Easter. But no matter what your religion or god — even a sacrilicious ceiling waffle — we can all agree that the Employment Law Blog Carnival, which you can find this month at Tim Eavenson’s blog: Current Employment,…


3d Cir. on FLSA successor-in-interest liability. Or, as I like to put it, “No Blog Hits” Day

I was on such a roll this week.  You guys were digging the heck out of my peeing in the breakroom post, David Crosby the alcoholic, and the one about a supervisor offering cash to sleep with an employee’s wife. You know who even read that last one? Scan down…


What is it exactly that President Obama wants to do to the FLSA?

So, by now, you’ve likely read the news, first reported on Wednesday night by The New York Times reporters Michael Shear and Steven Greenhouse that “Obama Will Seek Broad Expansion of Overtime Pay”. Messrs. Shear and Greenhouse indicated that, yesterday, President Barack Obama was to the direct the U.S. Department of…


A general manager may have to pay his employer’s wage-and-hour debts

Earlier this month, in this post, I highlighted a Pennsylvania federal court opinion recognizing that the Fair Labor Standards Act definition of “employer” is broad enough to bestow personal liability for a company’s wage-and-hour debts upon its President/CEO. Well, how about a general manager that has zero ownership interest in…


Your President/CEO may have to pay your company’s wage and hour debts herself

Well, that certainly sucks. Even worse than the time I found out that Santa Claus MacGyver wasn’t a real person. (My psychiatrist says that there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. I’m not so sure…) But seriously, I thought that the purpose of a limited liability company was…