
Articles Posted in Wage and Hour


Five employment cases blowing up my DropBox and Pocket

You know, being a client of the Blogger King has its perks. (That’s me. I’m the Blogger King). When I’m not litigating and counseling on employment-related issues, I’m taking blog post requests and emailing weekly updates of HR goodies that don’t make it onto the blog. But, with my DropBox and Pocket chock full…


How you know when to pay employees on meal breaks

How was your Thanksgiving? Survive Black Friday? (In case you’re wondering about a gift for me, no. Yes. Heck, yes (asking for a friend)). Me? I almost left my kids on the North Pole as I counted the minutes until Monday. But, overall, I enjoyed a few days off. Now, it’s back to work. *** Sips…


The DOL may be slowing its roll on the new OT rules. But, you should act now.

Yesterday, I snuck this little doozie onto The Employer Handbook Facebook Fan Page. A delay in the new DOL OT rules? Lauren Weber of the Wall Street Journal also reported here that Solicitor of Labor, Patricia Smith, told an audience at the American Bar Association Labor and Employment Law Conference in Philadelphia…


As a social-media-nerd employment lawyer, this one has me shakin’ my head.

In Pennsylvania, the Rules of Professional Conduct require that an attorney must stay abreast of changes in changes in the law, including the benefits of advances in technology. LinkedIn was founded over 10 years ago. If you’re reading this and you are not familiar with LinkedIn … I mean, geez. For…


Are paralegals entitled to overtime under the FLSA? Probably.

Last Friday, I had the honor and privilege of presenting at the Philadelphia Association of Paralegals’ Education Conference. The class was essentially a primer on the basics of employment law, during which I emphasized both the types of claims on which paralegals may assist clients, and the employment-law issues that the…


Another appellate court dropkicks the DOL’s unpaid-internship test

“So, dynamic, Eric. Is there anything you can’t do?” Oh, hey there. Didn’t see you come in. You probably didn’t come here to read about Law360 naming me one of the 20 attorneys who are killing it on Twitter. (You can follow me here). No, you’re looking for some Fair Labor Standards…


Must you pay employees who “volunteer” to use social media for the company?

  I think I finally figured out how to monetize this stupid blog. 😉 Let’s fly out to Hawaii. Drums please. (By the way, in case you missed Friday’s post, here’s another little known fact about yours truly: I have seen EVERY episode of the Jack Lord Hawaii Five-O). Work-related blogging is…


Survey shows that the new proposed #overtime rules may be like whoa!

You know those proposed overtime rules from the Department of Labor. The ones where the salary-level for the white collar exemption will jump from $23,660 per year to over $50,ooo in 2016. Well, check this out. A survey on of more than 1,000 “9-5 workers” shows that 50 percent of these…