
Articles Posted in Wage and Hour


The DOL plans to make it easier for you to pay bonuses while using the fluctuating workweek

After a Harry Potter tour behind-the-scenes, some additional London sightseeing, and a Premier League game, the Meyers have made it back to the United States. Unfortunately, since my body is still on Greenwich Mean Time, I’m typing this post at 5:30 in the morning local time. But, hey, my four…


You know that employee that won’t shut up about being underpaid? Yeah, well, you may be stuck with that person.

At first glance, this recent National Labor Relations Board General Counsel Advice Memorandum, with all its redactions and such, seems hardly worth the trouble to parse through. But, that’s why they pay me the big bucks bupkis to blog and try to make something out of nothing. And I’ve done…


Pennsylvania, yes Pennsylvania, announces new overtime rules that are more generous than federal law

Image Credit: About a year or so ago, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf announced a plan to direct the Department of Labor & Industry (PA’s version of the DOL) to change the overtime rules in PA: The first step will raise the salary level to determine overtime eligibility for most workers…


Because even Al Capone had to pay his taxes on illicit income

Image by CMElixirs from Pixabay Let’s assume that you run a business that may operate illegally under federal law. For example, what if your business provided security services for the marijuana industry? Marijuana is a Schedule One drug. Schedule One drugs are illegal under the federal Controlled Substances Act. So,…


The DOL final overtime rule is out today. Here is what employers need to know now.

Image Credit: ( Yesterday, the U.S. Department of Labor announced here that it will issue a final overtime rule today. Most notably, the DOL is updating the earnings thresholds necessary to exempt executive, administrative and professional employees (EAPs) from the Fair Labor Standards Act’s (FLSA) minimum wage and overtime…


Five wage and hour goodies for your business. Trust me. This won’t be weird at all.

Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay You know that dream? The one where the U.S. Department of Labor shows up on a Sunday to conduct a surprise wage-and-hour audit of your workplace, all the company payroll records have gone missing, and you’re in your underwear. No? Oh, me neither. But, just…


Do you use the FLSA’s fluctuating workweek method? Do you pay bonuses too? You’ll want to read this.

By U.S. Department of Labor – Converted from EPS version available here; there are EPS and PDF versions, Public Domain, Link Welcome to both of you. Under the Fair Labor Standards Act, an employer must pay non-exempt employees minimum wage and overtime for hours worked over 40 in a workweek.…


Could misclassifying an employee as an independent contractor violate the FLSA and federal labor law too?!?

By National Labor Relations Board –, Public Domain, Link Just because you say that an employee is an independent contractor doesn’t make it so. Many companies have found that out the hard way when the U.S. Department of Labor comes knocking for a wage and hour audit. But, could…


NLRB: An employer’s “sign this arbitration agreement or you’re fired” edict is totally cool with us

Image by Andreas Breitling from Pixabay What a difference a few years make. Two years, Richard Griffin, the former General Counsel of the National Labor Relation Board (“NLRB“), stood before the U.S. Supreme Court and argued in Epic Systems v. Lewis that arbitration agreements requiring employees to forego the ability…


NJ has a new ‘wage-theft’ law. Here are 10 things that employers must know about it now.

Image Credit: ( If you’re old enough, maybe you remember this Miller Lite commercial from the 1970s where Steve “The Miz” Mizerak was just showing off at a billiards table, working up a thirst for his adult beverage of choice: Miller Lite. Last week, the State of New Jersey…