
Articles Posted in Overtime


Get ready PA employers! Governor Tom Wolf just proposed an overtime overhaul.

Image Credit: Who is still breathing a sigh of relief that the proposed U.S. Department of Labor overtime rules never took effect? Not so fast Pennsylvania employers. You may want to take a deep breath and start clutching your pearls. New Overtime Rules in PA On Wednesday, Pennsylvania Governor…


The Trump DOL just unearthed a bunch of employer-friendly Bush-era Opinion Letters.

Image Credit: Last week, the U.S. Department of Labor did more for employers than just revamp its internship test. It re-issued a slew of opinion letters to help employers with sticky wage-and-hour issues. I’ve highlighted a few of the more notable ones below. [Fair warning: We get kinda wonky by…


In the Third Circuit, willful FLSA violations are as common as spotting a unicorn sliding down a rainbow into a leprechaun’s pot of gold as pigs fly by.

If an employer violates the Fair Labor Standards Act, like by not paying overtime, the plaintiff(s) can generally recover two years of unpaid overtime for the two years preceding the lawsuit. Those plaintiffs may also recover liquidated damages equal to the unpaid overtime. So, if an employer owes $100 in…


Hear that? It’s the fat lady singing about the U.S. Department of Labor’s proposed OT rules.

Yesterday, a Texas federal judge killed ’em dead. Now, I could go on for a few hundred words and re-explain the entire history of the overtime rules. But, it’s five o’clock somewhere and Kate Tornone did all of the heavy lifting already in this article for So, put down your adult…


If you own a restaurant, and pay servers more than minimum wage, can you keep customer tips?

A few years back, some progressive (?) restaurants around the country made headlines by paying their waitstaff more than minimum wage and putting the kibosh on customer tips. This broke with the traditional way of paying customarily-tipped employees in scratch offs and iced animal crackers. That is, most employers would pay the minimum-required…


All I can think about is that scene from Rounders. You know the one…

I see your lawsuit and raise you a contempt motion! (It sounded baller in my head. But, seeing it in print, not so much.) Although that .gif… Injunction? What injunction? Remember a few months ago when I blogged about a class-action lawsuit filed in a New Jersey federal court. That’s…


Here’s how the federal overtime rules are starting to take shape for your workplace

Last week, the U.S. Department of Labor asked for public comment on how to refresh the existing overtime rules under the Fair Labor Standards Act. Since it’s Monday, your eyes are probably bleary from all that’s been written about the DOL overtime rules, and it’s Monday, allow me to spoon…


Injunction? What injunction? New class action suit claims employer violated the new DOL overtime rules

This one’s got me confused like Britney on X-Factor. Last year, a Texas federal court entered a nationwide injunction against the U.S. Department of Labor’s proposed overtime rules. Among other things, those overtime rules would have raised the minimum salary level needed for an employee to be exempt from receiving overtime…


The 6 Ways “Covfefe” Can Improve HR Compliance

It all began last week with a (possible) typographical error in a tweet from our 45th President, “Despite the constant negative press covfefe.” At first, President Trump’s tweet confused us; “covfefe” even stumped a spelling bee champ while creating a spike in demand for novelty license plates. But then President Trump doubled down on Twitter, “Who…


No, the House didn’t really vote “to make it legal for employers to cheat workers out of overtime.”

So, I’m calling you know what on Senator Warren’s tweet last week. Yes, the U.S. House of Representatives did greenlight a measure called the Working Families Flexibility Act of 2017. This bill would allow, in certain situations, the substitution of comp time for overtime. And, if it passes through the Senate, the…