
Articles Posted in Overtime


What is it exactly that President Obama wants to do to the FLSA?

So, by now, you’ve likely read the news, first reported on Wednesday night by The New York Times reporters Michael Shear and Steven Greenhouse that “Obama Will Seek Broad Expansion of Overtime Pay”. Messrs. Shear and Greenhouse indicated that, yesterday, President Barack Obama was to the direct the U.S. Department of…


Your President/CEO may have to pay your company’s wage and hour debts herself

Well, that certainly sucks. Even worse than the time I found out that Santa Claus MacGyver wasn’t a real person. (My psychiatrist says that there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. I’m not so sure…) But seriously, I thought that the purpose of a limited liability company was…


House passes bill permitting employees to swap OT for comp time

On Wednesday, the U.S. House of Representatives voted 223-204 to pass the Working Families Flexibility Act of 2013, which would amend the Fair Labor Standards Act to permit employers to provide compensatory time off in lieu of monetary compensation for overtime hours worked. Presently, through the Federal Employees Flexible and…


Paying banana boxes of food as OT is not an a-peeling option

[brrrring brrrring] “Eric Meyer.” “Uh, yeah, Eric. I just learned that we’ve got facilities managers who have been working overtime ‘off the clock’ and….” “Off the clock, you said?” “Yeah, and instead of paying time-and-a-half—“ “Yes……” “We’ve been giving them banana boxes.” “Did you say, banana boxes?” “Yes.” “Hold please.”…