
Articles Posted in Overtime


Must you pay employees who “volunteer” to use social media for the company?

  I think I finally figured out how to monetize this stupid blog. 😉 Let’s fly out to Hawaii. Drums please. (By the way, in case you missed Friday’s post, here’s another little known fact about yours truly: I have seen EVERY episode of the Jack Lord Hawaii Five-O). Work-related blogging is…


Survey shows that the new proposed #overtime rules may be like whoa!

You know those proposed overtime rules from the Department of Labor. The ones where the salary-level for the white collar exemption will jump from $23,660 per year to over $50,ooo in 2016. Well, check this out. A survey on of more than 1,000 “9-5 workers” shows that 50 percent of these…


Will the new #overtime rules be good or bad? Here’s how to be heard.

A lot has been written over the past week few weeks since the Department of Labor announced its proposed change to the overtime rules — most of which has fewer typos and less snark than my drivel. Both sides of overtime coin. For example, there’s this article I read yesterday on supporting the…


Just how nervous should companies be about FLSA lawsuits over employee smartphone use? (Hint: very)

“Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action.” (I’m pretty sure that was from Ferris Bueller) Yesterday, in the Wall Street Journal, I read Lauren Weber’s article “Can You Sue the Boss for Making You Answer Late-Night Email?” And the answer is yes, provided that you are…


When employees cash paychecks stamped “full payment,” are their OT claims waived?

I’ve gotta hand it to the company in this recent federal appellate court opinion. The company almost — soooooo close — avoided several claims for unpaid overtime. Let me set the stage for you. So, there I was wearing nothing but feathers and a coy smile. Back in 2011, the U.S. Department…


Must you pay an employee for mandatory alcohol treatment?

More specifically, as posed in this recent federal court decision, “when an employer requires an employee to attend alcohol counseling and treatment sessions as a condition of keeping her job, must the employer compensate the employee for the time she spends in counseling and treatment?” The three plaintiffs, NYPD police offers,…


The hella-best post you’ll read today on yesterday’s Supreme Court employee-pay opinion

When you’re part of the bloggerati, just one half-step below the illuminati, well, let’s just say membership has its privileges. AMEX taupe card, rinkside seats to the local roller derby, earlybird specials, the world is your oyster. And, at work, the staff sees me coming and runs the other way…