
Articles Posted in Overtime


The new DOL overtime rules are here. You’ve got HR questions? I have answers!

Last night, the U.S. Department of Labor published its final rule updating the Fair Labor Standards Act overtime regulations. Unless you’ve been living under a rock, if you dabble in human resources, you’ve heard a thing or two about these changes, which the White House has touted as automatically extending overtime pay…


If this FLSA mess doesn’t have you calling your employment lawyer, not sure what will.

The U.S. Department of Labor announced on Monday that “a human resources outsource provider will pay $1 million in back overtime wages and damages combined to hundreds of employees after a U.S. Department of Labor investigation that found widespread Fair Labor Standards Act violations.” So what did a human resources provider…


See no overtime, hear no overtime, pay no overtime

Like many other employers, you’ve got a handbook policy that says that non-exempt employees cannot work overtime unless they obtain prior approval from a manager or supervisor. If, without prior approval from a manager or supervisor, a non-exempt employee works overtime and reports those hours to you, the Fair Labor…


Five employment cases blowing up my DropBox and Pocket

You know, being a client of the Blogger King has its perks. (That’s me. I’m the Blogger King). When I’m not litigating and counseling on employment-related issues, I’m taking blog post requests and emailing weekly updates of HR goodies that don’t make it onto the blog. But, with my DropBox and Pocket chock full…


How you know when to pay employees on meal breaks

How was your Thanksgiving? Survive Black Friday? (In case you’re wondering about a gift for me, no. Yes. Heck, yes (asking for a friend)). Me? I almost left my kids on the North Pole as I counted the minutes until Monday. But, overall, I enjoyed a few days off. Now, it’s back to work. *** Sips…


The DOL may be slowing its roll on the new OT rules. But, you should act now.

Yesterday, I snuck this little doozie onto The Employer Handbook Facebook Fan Page. A delay in the new DOL OT rules? Lauren Weber of the Wall Street Journal also reported here that Solicitor of Labor, Patricia Smith, told an audience at the American Bar Association Labor and Employment Law Conference in Philadelphia…


Are paralegals entitled to overtime under the FLSA? Probably.

Last Friday, I had the honor and privilege of presenting at the Philadelphia Association of Paralegals’ Education Conference. The class was essentially a primer on the basics of employment law, during which I emphasized both the types of claims on which paralegals may assist clients, and the employment-law issues that the…