
Articles Posted in Overtime


Before you hit the reset button on all those changes you made for the DOL Overtime Rules…

Did you have a nice Thanksgiving holiday? How many of you gave thanks to that federal court in Texas for entering a nationwide injunction on the DOL overtime rules? Glass half-full (of old, stinky wage-and-hour milk). On the one hand, most of you got what you originally hoped for. That…


Federal Judge Stops U.S. Department of Labor’s Overtime Rule

In a massive stroke of irony, a federal judge  —  one appointed by President Barack Obama — entered a nationwide injunction Tuesday to stop the implementation of the U.S. Department of Labor Fair Labor Standards Act overtime rules that would have taken effect on December 1, 2016. In March 2014, President…


My 2 cents on President-Elect Trump’s impact on HR-compliance in 2017. (Literally, worth 2 cents)

I’ll open this post with a haiku. Because, I feel like we could all use a haiku. President-Elect For HR, what will he do? Not a stinkin’ clue! …and any employment-law wonk who tells you otherwise, well, we saw how the pundits fared predicting the outcome of the presidential election.…


Folks, let’s dispel some FLSA myths about salaried employees

If I had a quarter for every time I heard someone criticize me for acting aloof at Starbucks by ordering a “medium” rather than a “grande” use the term “salaried-exempt,” I could play air hockey all day at Chuck-E-Cheese. Hmm, that sounded less creepy in my head. But, seeing it typed out and…


I’m training the U.S. Army South on social media at work, and other news…

Yep, if you need me this morning, I’ll be at Fort Sam Houston, giving my spiel to U.S. Army South and some folks from Guantanamo Bay on social media and the workplace. How cool is that! (In a dorky lawyer kinda way). While that’s going down, let me catch you…


3d Cir: Employers cannot use paid meal breaks to offset unpaid overtime

A few weeks ago, I blogged here about a federal agency — one that rhymes with EEOB — reaching a 7-figure settlement with its workers of alleged Fair Labor Standards Act overtime violations involving comp time. Last week, the Third Circuit Court of Appeals issued an opinion, in which it…


The union organizer running those rat protests and casket actions doesn’t get paid overtime.

Oh, yeah? Tell me more. Let me tell you about a guy. A guy in charge of inflatable rats and staged funerals. Daniel Krupinski graduated from Berkeley. Armed with a bachelor’s degree in international business, he went to work for the Laborers Eastern Region Organizing Fund (LEROF), the organizing arm of the Laborers International Union…


How will the new overtime rules affect workplace flexibility? Not well.

The slow death of the 9-5 workday, together with the arrival of the new FLSA overtime rules, which do into effect on December 1, could create one of the bigger wage-and-hour pitfalls for employers in 2017 and beyond. Less flexibility to complete work outside of normal work hours. A few months ago, both…


Quietly, the DOL jacks up penalties for willful overtime and minimum wage violations.

How was your Fourth of July weekend? Did you knock your 5-year-old off of her scooter in the middle of Main Street to the shocked and judging, “Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhs….” of spectators on both sides of the street with smartphones up capturing all of the parade action for posterity? ***checks YouTube again*** Well, neither…


Republicans toss up a Hail Mary to stop the new DOL overtime rules

On December 1, 2016, the new Department of Labor overtime rules will take effect. Yesterday, Senate labor committee Chairman Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) and Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs committee chairman Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) announced (here) new legislation under the Congressional Review Act to to stop the overtime rules dead in their tracks. You…