
Articles Posted in Minimum Wage


The CDC has a new vaccine communication COVID-19 toolkit. Plus, President Biden proposes even MORE employment law changes. 😱

Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay Last week, I shared with you eight ways that President Biden changed employment law on Day One. It took me a while to cobble together that post. So, I was kind of hoping that “46” would take a few days off or something so that…


One HR lesson from two exotic dancers on misclassifying employees as independent contractors.

Lantay77 at en.wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons It’s getting hot in herrrrrrrrrrrrre! Well, tepid. It’s an employment law blog, after all. A strip club in Ohio employed two women for several months. Let’s call them, oh, I dunno, “plaintiffs.” During their time working for the club, the plaintiffs…


Free COVID-19 claims and lawsuits webinar? And a slide deck on EEO considerations too? I got you, fam!

Image by 政徳 吉田 from Pixabay Who loves you? Slide deck: A Return to Work from COVID-19: EEO and Other Employment Law Considerations – BOOM! Webinar: Covid-19 claims and lawsuits; Prepare your business today for potential lawsuits tomorrow – Let’s goooooooo! Plus, get 40 credits worth of HR virtual learning…


Why now is a great time for a wage and hour self-audit. Wait! Hear me out on this…

Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division / Public domain Near the end of last month, I blogged here about this Wage and Hour Division (WHD) Field Assistance Bulletin. The  U.S. Department of Labor announced that, in most instances, it would no longer pursue pre-litigation liquidated damages arising out of…


How a negative COVID-19 test turned into an FLSA collective action.

Image by Tomislav Jakupec from Pixabay The Families First Coronavirus Response Act requires certain employers to provide employees with paid sick leave for specified reasons related to COVID-19. One of those reasons is when an employee is experiencing COVID-19 symptoms and is seeking a medical diagnosis. From FFCRA to FLSA.…


DOL: COVID-19 is not an excuse to skip your employees’ paychecks. Plus details on Friday’s Zoom chat

Image by Jo_Johnston from Pixabay About a month ago, a hairstylist filed a COVID-19 class-action lawsuit in New Jersey. Her claims were the prototypical lowest-hanging fruit. That is, the plaintiffs allege that the employer withheld pay from employees once it abruptly closed its doors to the public due to the…


Oh, it’s back on in Pennsylvania as new salary-level test hikes are approved.

Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay The wage-and-hour pendulum has once again shifted in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Nerdiest. Pendulum. Ever. Salary-level test changes. Back in October, I blogged about how Pennsylvania, yes Pennsylvania, had announced new overtime rules that are more generous than federal law. On January 1 of this…


MAJOR wage and hour news in PA! Minimum wage going ☝️; Proposed salary-level test going 👇, and more!

Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay Where do we even begin? Oh, right… The minimum wage is going up! (The proposed overtime regulations are going down). With a big ‘ol tip of the cap to Adam Long, who scooped the news here at McNees’ Pennsylvania Labor & Employment Blog, the Pennsylvania…


Do you use the FLSA’s fluctuating workweek method? Do you pay bonuses too? You’ll want to read this.

By U.S. Department of Labor – Converted from EPS version available here; there are EPS and PDF versions, Public Domain, Link Welcome to both of you. Under the Fair Labor Standards Act, an employer must pay non-exempt employees minimum wage and overtime for hours worked over 40 in a workweek.…