
Articles Posted in Unions (labor relations)


Free speech at work and protected concerted activity are burning up the hot stove this week!

The heat is most definitely on. Google and the myth of free speech at work. So, have you heard the news about the Google employee — well, now ex-Google employee — who authored and posted a diversity (anti-diversity?) memo to the company intranet. Yeah, that didn’t go over so well.…


New Senate bill would take the wind right out of the National Labor Relations Board’s sails

Generally, when you go from a Democratic Party President to a  Republican, the complexion of the National Labor Relations Board changes as well. That is, as Board Members cycle off, the new President names replacements that are more employer-friendly. And we’re seeing that right now, with the nominations of Marvin Kaplan…


Bah Gawd! DOJ turns face and will support class-action waivers in Supreme Court battle

  Consider this my attempt at “Serenity now” after chaperoning eight kids eight and younger at a Philadelphia Phillies game on Saturday. With a rain delay. And the tiny dancer featured above. Fortunately, we left the ballpark with all of the kids. I think. Hopefully, my oldest son, Brooks, enjoyed his birthday.…


The 6 Ways “Covfefe” Can Improve HR Compliance

It all began last week with a (possible) typographical error in a tweet from our 45th President, “Despite the constant negative press covfefe.” At first, President Trump’s tweet confused us; “covfefe” even stumped a spelling bee champ while creating a spike in demand for novelty license plates. But then President Trump doubled down on Twitter, “Who…


The Sixth Circuit says that class-action waivers violate federal labor law. Meh.

Hey, no disrespect to the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, and all… They decided last week in NLRB v. Alternative Entertainment (opinion here) that, under the National Labor Relations Act, an employer cannot force employees to agree to mandatory arbitration and bar collective or class action lawsuits. The former is ok, the latter…


NLRB: Many of your employee handbook policies are probably unlawful.

As is often the case when a Republican sits in the Oval Office, the National Labor Relations Board tilts employer-friendly. Indeed, once President Trump’s two nominees fill two vacancies on the Board, Republicans will hold a Board majority for the first time in 9 years. Until then, I picture the…


2d Cir: Employee can curse out his boss and his boss’s family on Facebook and keep his job.

What the f*&k?!? I blogged about this case about two years ago (here), when it was pending before the National Labor Relations Board. In involves an employee who, on his work break, took out his iPhone, went on his personal Facebook page. Once on FB, the employee spewed about his boss, calling…


Now, you too can successfully* navigate through an NLRB action

Successfully? Well, I can’t guarantee success, now can I? Especially if you’re an employer, amirite? But, this new Guide to Board Procedures from the National Labor Relations Board will help your attorney better understand Board procedures and processes. Sounds awesome! And, for the rest of you, it’ll help cure your insomnia.…


My 2 cents on President-Elect Trump’s impact on HR-compliance in 2017. (Literally, worth 2 cents)

I’ll open this post with a haiku. Because, I feel like we could all use a haiku. President-Elect For HR, what will he do? Not a stinkin’ clue! …and any employment-law wonk who tells you otherwise, well, we saw how the pundits fared predicting the outcome of the presidential election.…