Just be sure to wipe off the coffee grounds. And cross out all of those outdated references to MySpace and Friendster in the social media policy. What gives, Eric? Well, yesterday, the National Labor Relations Board continued its mad dash to erase all of the last several years of questionable…
Articles Posted in Unions (labor relations)
The NLRB wants your input on quickie union elections. [Translation: bye bye quickie union elections]
I got a little early holiday present yesterday, one that I’d like to share with each of you. And, of all places, it was from the National Labor Relations Board. [Cue music // Spotify | YouTube] Yesterday, at 9:01 am EST, I received an email from the Board. In that email, the Board…
Three key areas that could make 2018 the year of the employee handbook overhaul
Read on, HR enthusiasts. 1. Paid Family and Medical Leave. A few weeks ago, I wrote here about a SHRM-endorsed paid-employee-leave bill that was introduced in House. Yesterday, over at Bloomberg Law, Tyrone Richardson reported here that as the House and Senate work on finalizing a tax bill, another paid leave option…
JOIN US: “The Employment Law Year in Review,” a free webinar on Thu, Dec 7, 2017 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM EST
I had one date circled — one date between now and the end of the year. Later this week, on November 17, Netflix releases Marvel’s The Punisher. If you’ve dorked out gotten culture with any of The Defenders series, then, like me, you’ve been chomping at the bit for this release.…
Court politely tells union where to stick its request to reinstate a member accused of sexual harassment.
***pops open can of Haterade*** A local Philadelphia-area school district employed a teacher/union advocate for about 10 years until it ended his employment on the grounds that he was creating a hostile work environment for his fellow teachers and making lewd and suggestive statements to students. Given that this is…
Local union throws flag on Dallas Cowboys’ owner’s threat to bench players who disrespect the U.S. flag
Humility is not my middle name. Actually, it’s “Hercules.” (It’s not Hercules). But, it’s not “Humility” either and I rarely turn down the opportunity to say, “I told you so.” So, remember when I told you a few weeks ago how NFL owners would have a tough time legally firing…
No, President Trump, NFL owners cannot legally fire players that #TakeTheKnee
And it has nothing to do with the First Amendment and freedom of speech. ICYMI, some NFL players decided to protest during this week’s games. On September 23, at a rally for Alabama Republican Senate candidate Luther Strange, President Donald Trump called upon National Football League owners to fire NFL players…
Company forces employee to sign a confidentiality statement or be fired, plays itself.
If you’re going to draw a line in the sand by telling an employee to sign something or be fired, here’s a pro tip: Make sure that whatever you want signed isn’t unlawful. Late last month, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals (here) stamped a National Labor Relations Board decision,…
Even the best lawyers make mistakes. Because, about my Ezekiel Elliott predictions…
Remember when I told you that a federal judge would uphold his six-week suspension? Not even close. Yep, I saw some writing on the wall earlier in the day on Friday. During happy hour, federal judge Amos Mazzant granted the NFLPA’s request for a temporary restraining order. Something about Ezekiel…
Hot takes on Ezekiel Elliott from an employment lawyer who plays fantasy football
Finally, I’m putting this law degree to good use. Today, you get this employer lawyer’s insights on not only the status of National Football League Players Association‘s efforts to overturn the National Football League‘s 6-game suspension of Ezekiel Elliott, but also real information about when Elliott may return to action. The…