
Articles Posted in Unions (labor relations)


Yes, you can be fired for cursing about clients in the office bathroom

MarkBuckawicki [CC0], via Wikimedia CommonsIf I were the boss, I’d fire anyone for talking in a public office restroom. Period. Full stop. But, carrying on and cursing about clients of the company is certainly a terminable offense. Just ask the National Labor Relations Board. Here’s the setup: Two employees entered…


Girl Scout Cookies and Employment Law – Almost Everything That HR Needs To Know

Won’t you help little Ivy Meyer achieve her Girl Scout Cookies sales goal? It’s that time of year again. Coworkers have begun bombarding you with requests to purchase Girl Scout Cookies. So, in that spirit, let’s tackle: Whether unions will start organizing your workplace if you relax your no-solicitation policy…


Let’s start the year off with a big joint-employer decision

EriKolaborator [CC BY-SA 3.0], from Wikimedia CommonsNotice, I didn’t go so far as to say, “Let’s start the year off right.” That’s because organized labor/union blog posts are like reader kryptonite. But, since the United States Court of Appeals of the District of Columbia, in this opinion issued late last…


The National Labor Relations Board is revising its joint-employer standard. Wheeeeeeeee!!!!!!

  Image Credit: ( Shhh… If you listen quietly, you may just hear another subscriber clicking on this blog post. Nope, those are crickets. But, at the expense of clicks and subscription rates, I feel compelled to share with you Board news: The National Labor Relations Board will publish a…


All the 🔥hot🔥 takes on how Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh could shape employment law

By U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit [Public domain], via Wikimedia CommonsRespect to the employment law bloggers, reporters, and others who wasted no time trying to read the tea leaves to predict what Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s record as a jurist would foreshadow should he ascend to…


Your employees can use your company email to try to form a union. But for how much longer?

Image Credit: ( In 2014, the National Labor Relations Board ruled here in a case called Purple Communications that employees can use company email to try to form a union. Specifically, the Board held that “employee use of email for statutorily protected communication on nonworking time must presumptively be permitted…


Hey HR! Here are 9 ways that you may want to update your employee handbook #SHRM18 #TheEmployerHandbook

Image Credit: ( If you’re new to the field, you’ll have to take our word on it. But, HR-compliance professionals know that drafting an employee handbook that is 100% compliant got a lot tougher over the past several years. Let’s forget about paid-sick-leave laws, ban-the-box, and other state/local law matters.…


What I have for you today is even better than a Bryan Colangelo post-mortem!

Image Credit: ( My thorough rundown of all things Bryan Colangelo will have to wait until next week when I serve as a guest contributor to the Philadelphia Business Journal. Today, however, I’ve got your hook up! On Wednesday, Pamela Wolf, J.D. of Wolters Kluwer moderated a webinar entitled Check-In: EEOC, DOL,…


NLRB to Dem Senators: We’re no longer “considering” joint-employer rule-making. We are rule-making!

By Chris Favero ( [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons“I am the law!” The title of this blog post made me think of Judge Dredd. And if you don’t know or appreciate Judge Dredd, shame on you, Millennial. Shame. For the rest of you more cultured Renaissance human resource professionals,…