
Articles Posted in Unions (labor relations)


New NLRB standards will require even more employee handbook updates. (My kids’ college funds thank you.)

It was bound to happen sooner or later, tbh. As Presidents change from Democrat to Republican to Democrat, the complexion of the five-member (well, four now) National Labor Relations Board flips from union-friendly to management-friendly to union-friendly. And as the pendulum swings hard one way or the other, big “precedential”…


The Labor Board’s top attorney wants to void non-competes that violate labor law. Hot take: meh.

Yesterday, National Labor Relations Board General Counsel Jennifer Abruzzo issued a memo claiming that the “proffer, maintenance, and enforcement non-compete provisions in employment contracts and severance agreements violate the National Labor Relations Act except in limited circumstances.” Other labor and employment lawyers may forebode the end for most non-competes. Me?…


It’s WORSE than we thought. Most of your severance agreements may be ENTIRELY WORTHLESS!

Last month, I told about a National Labor Relations Board decision to ban certain nondisparagement and confidentiality provisions in a severance agreement that businesses give to rank-and-file employees (i.e., non-supervisors) in both union and non-union workplaces. But there remained some open questions. For example, does the decision apply retroactively to old agreements?…


The EEOC isn’t the only federal agency safeguarding complaints about race bias at work

Last week, the National Labor Relations Board made headlines when it concluded that nondisparagement and confidentiality provisions in severance agreements that businesses give to rank-and-file employees are unlawful. Yesterday, the Board made headlines again by releasing this Advice Memo in which it concluded that employees who engage in group discussions about issues of…


I’m willing to bet that, as of yesterday, most of your severance agreements are UNLAWFUL

On February 21, the National Labor Relations Board decided (here) that nondisparagement and confidentiality provisions in a severance agreement that businesses give to employees are unlawful. The case involved a situation not unlike many your business may have encountered before. In 2020, COVID-19 restrictions caused the employer to furlough 11 employees because…


Did a union non-profit refuse to accommodate a woman with breast cancer and force her to resign? The EEOC thinks so.

I read on the U.S. Department of Labor website that unions help employees improve the workplace with “enhancements” such as “flexible scheduling, protections against harassment and safer working conditions – that improve the quality of jobs and workers’ well-being.” However, a union non-profit that touts itself as a provider of help to workers…


Fired an employee for violating a social media policy, did you? You may have to pay their credit card debt and mortgage payments.

On Friday’s edition of The Employer Handbook Zoom Office Happy Hour — catch the replay here if you missed it —  we talked about 2022 changes in the law that could impact 2023 updates to your employee handbook. One talked briefly about how the pendulum at the National Labor Relations…


Here’s why the National Labor Relations Board get may interested in non-union Twitter’s layoffs

Sections 8(a)(1) and 8(a)(3) of the National Labor Relations Act (the Act) protect employees from retaliation for concerted protected activity. Protected concerted activity generally involves two or more employees discussing working conditions like pay, benefits, etc. One of the employees who lost his job at Twitter this month — a…


Speaking of technology, pay attention to the National Labor Relations Board’s latest attempt to regulate employers

Shout out to the National Labor Relations Board — specifically, the Board’s General Counsel. The timing of yesterday’s announcement of her new memo to protect employees, to the greatest extent possible, from intrusive or abusive electronic monitoring and automated management practices was **chef’s kiss** It came just after I announced…


We’re talking labor unions on Zoom at Noon ET today with Jon Hyman. Join us. It’s FREE!

TBH, I didn’t expect this edition of The Employer Handbook Zoom Happy Hour to overwhelm the Zoom servers with a massive audience. Often, when I write about labor (rather than employment) on this blog, the clicks are, err, less click-y. But, between Amazon and Starbucks, the overall rise in union…