
Articles Posted in Unions (labor relations)


Labor board issues its 2nd social-media-related complaint in 2 weeks

As I previously reported, on May 9, 2011, the National Labor Relations Board issued a Complaint, in which it alleges that a NY non-profit company fired five employees for complaining on Facebook about working conditions. Now, Law 360 reports that the NLRB has issued a second complaint against a Chicago-area…


Before taking medical leave in Cancun, read this…

Can a company create and enforce a policy that requires employees on paid sick leave to remain close to their homes, unless they obtain the company’s permission? Would that policy infringe on an employee’s FMLA rights? Good questions. The answers are after the jump. * * * Employees abuse FMLA?…


Labor board continues its war on social-media-related firings

  As some of you may know, word has surfaced about a Complaint that the National Labor Relations Board filed last week against a NY non-profit. The NLRB alleges that company fired five employees for complaining on Facebook about working conditions. The NLRB has issued a press release and much has…


PROOF that a Twitter firing can withstand NLRB scrutiny. Read on…

  I was considering three topics for today’s post: A teacher who was fired for watching 67 seconds of pornography; This smokin-hot cheerleader, fired for the NSFW-version of the photo on the right, who has filed a national-origin discrimination claim against the Indianapolis Colts; or A National Labor Relations Board…


Baseball wants off-the-field conduct on the table in labor negotiations

Steroids are so 2010.   With high profile baseball players like Detroit’s Miguel Cabrera and Cleveland’s Shin-Soo Choo getting arrested this year for DUI, Major League Baseball aims to crack down on certain off-the-field conduct that could give the sport a black eye. More on how this could factor into…


Thomson Reuters had a sh!ttier week than you…

Did a bunch of bloggers sue you last week for wage and hour violations? Has the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) threatened to file a complaint against you for Twitter shenanigans? Well, that was Thomson Reuters’ week. And, as you can imagine, it sucked. I share their grief, after the…


What do social media, genetics and the NFL have in common?

Nothing really. But I needed to combine three topics into one quick blog post. On Genetics I will be presenting a webinar tomorrow (2/16) at 1:30 PM EST on how the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act will affect your company. If you had to click on the hyperlink, then you probably…


How the Facebook firing settlement affects YOUR company

A company accused of violating federal law for firing an employee for comments she made on Facebook about her supervisor has settled. How does this settlement affect how your company can control employee engagement in social networking activities? The answer, after the jump. * * * Last year, the NLRB’s Hartford…