
Articles Posted in Unions (labor relations)


Fact or Fiction: It’s ok to fire an employee for pro-union Facebook posts to NON-employees

That’s right folks. It’s time for another edition of “Fact or Fiction” a/k/a “Quick Answers to Quick Questions” a/k/a QATQQ f/k/a “I don’t feel like writing a long blog post.” I’ll set it up for you: You run a non-union company called RH Chili Peppers. However, one of your employees,…


FireMe! app outs Twitter users who talk smack about their jobs

While some people; namely, hockey players with local ties, use Twitter to congratulate an ex-wife on end of divorce payments, others spew venom about their bosses. I know. I should have warned you to sit down first. Let me know when the shock subsides. K-thx. And the latest 15-minutes-of-fame, there’s-an-app-for-that, spotlight…


NLRB to ask Supreme Court to review its latest recess appointments

Back in late January, a federal appellate court ruled that President Obama lacked the power to make three recess appointments last year to the National Labor Relations Board. More on that here. In this press release issued yesterday, the NLRB announced that would seek Supreme Court review. Quoted below is…


The Employer Handbook turns 2; and the NLRB keeps hatin’ on employers

Whatcha get the blog for its birthday? Was it an iTunes subscription to Season One of Amish Mafia? Don’t judge the blog. The blog doesn’t like to be judged. After the jump, the selfless blog got you a recap of seven recent National Labor Relations Board decisions affecting your workplace……


Employment Law Blog Carnival: Hollywood Casting Call Edition

Welcome everyone to the Employment Law Blog Carnival: Hollywood Casting Call Edition. [Editor’s Note: The original theme for this post was the “Employment Law Blog Carnival: Sex, Drugs, and Rock & Roll Edition.” I had this bright idea to begin by cutting and pasting the lyrics to Guns N’ Roses’ “My…


2 tips to help your social media policy withstand NLRB scrutiny

Notwithstanding three social media advice memoranda, and another ruling from the National Labor Relations Board slamming Costco’s social media policy, you’d think employers would have a better idea how to revise their social media policies so as not to risk violating the National Labor Relations Act. Well, not so much.…


NLRB breathes new life into your “at-will” employment disclaimers

Just Google it. The National Labor Relations Board has been drawing a lot of attention for its heightened scrutiny of at-will employment disclaimers. For example, in a case involving the American Red Cross, a Board ALJ found that the American Red Cross broke the law by having an employee handbook…


In its first Facebook-firing decison, the NLRB backs an employer

Look out for that flying pig!!! No, it’s true. I’ve got proof after the jump… * * * Really, the employer won. The NLRB actually sided with an employer on a social-media related issue. The Board even has a press release. [Quick Google — start caching]. Quoted below from the…