
Articles Posted in Third Circuit Employment Law 101


Heads up, employers. It’s a lot easier for employees to claim discrimination — even without getting fired.

Earlier this year, the Supreme Court ruled that an employee claiming discrimination under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 need only show that their employer treated them worse than someone else because of a protected characteristic such as race, gender, or national origin. Last week, a federal…


If your company handles military leave for employees this way, you may be doing it all WRONG

Yesterday, a federal appellate court issued a precedential opinion clarifying when employers must pay employees and provide certain benefits while they take short-term military leave under the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (“USERRA”). USERRA is a federal law that protects servicemembers’ and veterans’ civilian employment rights.…


Retaliation can come in all shapes and sizes

Earlier this month, a federal appellate court addressed a few situations involving retaliation claims in the workplace in which parties (and sometimes courts) may misapply the law, namely, Title VII of the Civil Rights of 1964. So, let’s clear this up. A retaliation claim has three elements: a protected activity,…


Why might the Phillie Phanatic get paid for the time it takes to get into costume at the ballpark?

By Terry Foote – I took this photograph while attending a Spring Training game, CC BY-SA 4.0, Link Because who is going to click if I had titled this post, “The Third Circuit clarifies when compensable work is the ‘integral and indispensable.'” But, now that you’re here, you might as…


If the boss is creating a hostile work environment, no amount of fix-it may save you in the lawsuit

Not this Boss. I’m talking about someone so high up in the company food chain that they serve as the organization’s proxy. Ordinarily, when an employee accuses a supervisor of creating a hostile work environment, as long as the company has not taken a tangible employment action against that employee,…


Do employers risk violating the FLSA by reducing PTO? Is it part of an employee’s salary?

Those were the critical issues in a precedential decision that the Third Circuit Court of Appeals issued yesterday. So let’s talk about it. Generally speaking, a federal law called the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) says that people who earn an hourly wage can get overtime (one-and-a-half times their regular hourly wage for…


A federal appellate court using Homer Simpson to explain wage and hour law?!? Woo hoo!!

Benoît Prieur, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons Fair Labor Standards Act lawsuits aren’t exactly fodder for Silver Screen blockbusters. In a recent decision from the Middle District of Pennsylvania — not known as a Hollywood pipeline — the question was whether donning and doffing basic personal protective equipment (“PPE”) was “integral and indispensable”…


Are you in the clear waiting four weeks to fire someone who complained about sexual harassment?

I’ve got some ‘splaining to do before we get into the meat and potatoes. First, if a company fires someone because they complain about discrimination, that’s retaliation. It doesn’t matter if the firing happens a day, week, month, or year later. If the complaint motivates the adverse employment action, and you get…


How does an employee go from “promotable” to “expandable” to plaintiff claiming gender bias?

Litigators often counsel witnesses to answer, “I don’t recall,” rather than guess or speculate the response to a question at a deposition. But, sometimes, that approach can backfire. The female plaintiff in this recent Third Circuit opinion I read last night worked as a manager in the defendant’s finance department.…


Not all discrimination lawsuits against airlines are worth $5M.

This one (unlike that one) wasn’t even worth five cents. I suppose that’s what happens when you work for an airline and claim gender discrimination after getting fired for posting this publicly on your personal Facebook page: If I were Black in America, I think I’d get down on my…